11 - Friendships And Fears in Space

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After some time chatting, Batsy, Black Star and XLR8 felt as if they had shared all the knowledge they had on Ribernal. They were now ready for the mission ahead and prepared to do whatever they needed to ensure the success of their voyage.

"Can everyone come together, so we can have a quick discussion!" Black Star called out.

Soon everyone gathered around the centre console of the ship, centred on the large holographic map of the Jyntrent System displayed before them. It showed the location of the various points of interest, such as the Spaceway Service Station on the very edge, and Ribernal itself, which was situated in the middle, with many dead stars surrounding it

"So, this is our destination, the Jyntrent System. We'll be stopping at the Spaceway Service Station to refuel, where we'll take the time to ready up for the fight to come. And then, we'll be heading into the heart of Ribernal, to confront the evil that lurks there! We will get the others back! You lot are Outcasts now, don't forget that!" Black Star stated loudly

She looked over the crew members and gave them a stern look.

"No matter what happens, we stick together," Sapphire said. "We will get through this if we have each other's backs!"

As the heroes chatted amongst themselves, Enzo stood forward.

"So how long until we reach this space service place?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

Black Star raised an eyebrow, turning to XLR8 for an answer.

"It'll take about an hour," the alien replied, nodding his extended green head. "So not too long."

Centa then stepped forward, looking at the map.

"So, what about when we actually get to Ribernal, what then?" he asked. "We're supposed to find these people and rescue them, right? What's our strategy to do that?"

Everyone looked at each other. No one really knew how they should proceed in order to save the others, but they all agreed that they would need to have a plan of action.

"Well, I guess we could split off in groups," Fast Maker suggested, shouting over from the pilot's seat. "And search for the others in pairs. We could also get help from the station."

Batsy nodded his head, with everyone else agreeing with him.

"That sounds like a good idea!" Centa admitted.

"I agree," Lola added, her voice calm and steady.

With everyone now happy with the plan, they would all split off and go their separate ways. Enzo and Lola came together, looking out into space. Standing right beside each other, they stared at the stars before them, worried about the kidnapped heroes.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Lola asked softly, pouting slightly as she did so.

"They've got to be," Enzo responded quickly, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Lola smiled weakly, looking at him.

"Thanks for being here with me," she said quietly, giving him a hug.

Enzo returned the gesture, holding her close for a moment. He felt odd, lacking a friendship that held the same significance as his bond with Lola did. She was more than just a friend; she was someone who cared deeply about him. It wasn't as if he loved her, he thought, but he didn't want to lose her either.

After pulling away from Lola, Enzo looked down.

"Come on, let's try to get some training in before we arrive," he suggested.

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