9 - Embarking On Destiny

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The next morning, a vibrant burst of sunlight flooded the room, casting a golden glow on the eager faces of the team. The aroma of a hearty breakfast filled the air, invigorating their senses and fueling their anticipation for the day's tasks.

XLR8, with a renewed focus, dove back into the intricacies of the engines. Armed with his specialized tools and a wealth of expertise, he delved deep into the mechanical labyrinth, meticulously diagnosing and rectifying any issues that impeded the engine's optimal performance. As he painstakingly fine-tuned each component, the hum of revitalization echoed through the air.

Meanwhile, Arachnean embarked on a particular quest for spare parts, scouring every nook and cranny of the ship. Her agile movements and sharp eyes led her to hidden caches and forgotten compartments, where she discovered a trove of invaluable resources. With nimble fingers and unwavering determination, she skillfully repaired and rejuvenated the salvaged parts, knowing that each restoration brought them one step closer to their ultimate goal.

The careful duo of Professor Stevens and Fast Maker directed their attention towards the roof, understanding the pivotal role it played in the ship's structural integrity. Armed with precision and an arsenal of diagnostic tools, they methodically inspected every inch, ensuring that the state-of-the-art ceiling remained steadfast and resilient. They left no room for compromise, guaranteeing a safe and secure haven within the vast expanse of the cosmos.

While XLR8, Arachnean, Professor Stevens, and Fast Maker focused on their respective tasks, the rest of the team united their efforts to tackle the myriad repairs that lay ahead. With unwavering determination, they mended the worn floor panels, replacing damaged sections with careful precision. The restoration of the ship's windows became a collective endeavour, with each member contributing their expertise to ensure a crystal-clear view of the world beyond. The cockpit window, a gateway to infinite possibilities, received special attention, ensuring that it provided both protection and unobstructed vision to the intrepid pilot.

In the heart of the vessel, the hull, bearing the scars of previous battles, became a testament to the team's resilience. Embracing the challenges, they laboured tirelessly, welding and mending the breaches, restoring the hull to its former strength. The rhythmic tempo of hammer against metal echoed their unwavering spirit, forging a symbol of unity and fortitude.

As the repairs reached their zenith, a collective breath was held in anticipation of the final moment. XLR8 initiated the engines, his skilled hands expertly guiding the process. A comprehensive scan ensured that all systems operated seamlessly, ready to embrace the limitless possibilities of the cosmic expanse. With Fast Maker and Batsy standing in solidarity, XLR8 grasped the lever, poised to breathe life into the vessel that will become their sanctuary.

Within moments, a familiar rumble reverberated through the air, resonating deep within their souls. A delighted cry of triumph filled the space as Fast Maker exclaimed, "She's operational again!" 

Their faces alight with jubilant smiles, the team embraced the joyous reunion with their faithful companion, BECKI, as her presence adorned the console screens, a testament to their unwavering dedication.

Gratitude welled within XLR8's heart as he addressed his comrades, "Thank you all for your assistance and steadfast commitment." 

The room buzzed with camaraderie and a shared sense of accomplishment, solidifying their bond as they stood together, united in purpose.

Batsy, the ever-resourceful communicator, reached for a mobile device, connecting the missing heroes who would soon join them on their space mission. With a few swift keystrokes, a message was sent, carrying their determination and the promise of imminent departure.

"And soon," Batsy declared with a sparkle in their eyes, "we shall embark on our celestial odyssey!"


The scene was filled with a growing crowd surrounding The De Vil Rocket, as heroes and workers mingled and exchanged conversations. Excitement and anticipation lingered in the air as the heroes who had committed to the mission gathered on the ship's ramp, waving their goodbyes to those they were leaving behind. Dr. Arachnean, EVA, and Chief Death had bravely taken on the responsibility of protecting London during their absence, ready to confront any looming threats. For a brief moment, silence enveloped them before EVA stepped forward, her robotic screen face devoid of any emotion.

"Be cautious, and may luck be on your side," she spoke with a nod, her words echoing through the air.

Apollo and Lola waved their hands in farewell before stepping onto the ship, followed closely by Centa and Black Star. The vessel, aptly named The De Vil Rocket, was spacious enough to accommodate them all, and they could only hope it would prove fast enough as well.

Gradually, everyone boarded the ship, congregating in the cockpit where the adventure would begin. Rift noticed John and the others outside before waving hesitantly, a gulp escaping him. Fast Maker stood beside him, swiftly settling into the pilot's seat.

"Ready to embark on this grand endeavour?" Ben asked, glancing at Batsy.

"Absolutely!" Batsy replied, a faint smile playing on his lips as he looked back at the group. "Let's do this!"

Meanwhile, Chief Death and the remaining members stood outside, their gazes fixed upon the ship. As the engines of The De Vil Rocket roared to life, the vessel trembled slightly before slowly inching forward. The onlookers held their breaths, transfixed as the ship glided across the ground, ascending into the vastness of the sky and then rapidly accelerating, vanishing into the depths of space.

Arachnean shook her head, her eyes locked on the vanishing ship, a mixture of frustration and concern etched on her face.

"We can only hope they triumph," she sighed wearily.

John nodded solemnly, his gaze rising to the sky, watching until the De Vil Rocket dwindled into a mere speck of light against the radiant heavens.

"Well, I suppose it's time for us to resume our duties," he said, his voice tinged with determination.

Chief Death nodded in agreement, turning his attention to the city of London, a place in dire need of reconstruction.

"Let's get back to work," he grunted. "We have a city to rebuild."

Leading the group away from the park, they walked along the gravel paths, their minds clouded with uncertainty, unsure of how to grapple with the present circumstances.

After a lengthy journey, the group finally arrived at Hellford Laboratories, their chosen temporary headquarters. People settled down, finding solace and respite, while Professor Stevens ventured deeper into the facility. His objective was twofold: to establish contact with Metalloic and Head Knight Ren. He wasted no time, entering his laboratory and booting up his PC. Fortunately, Batsy had provided him with access to the exclusive Outcasts app, giving him hope of connecting with someone.

However, as the video call commenced, he found himself staring at a blank screen, frustration building within him. Minutes passed with no response, fueling his growing agitation. Eventually, he surrendered, throwing his hands up in exasperation and muttering under his breath.

"Damn it!"

Shaking his head, the seasoned professor surveyed the room. He couldn't shake the feeling that the city, and perhaps even the entire planet, would remain vulnerable without the presence of its defenders. The world needed heroes to combat the nastiness lurking in the shadows.

Professor Stevens stared at the blank screen for a moment longer before an idea suddenly popped into his head. Glancing between the wolf plush on his desk and the cupboard behind him, a smile spread across his face as he jumped out of his chair. Hustling over to the cupboard, he unlocked it before spotting a serum bottle inside. It had an insignia of a wolf on it and was given to him to look after by Dr Arachnean, but maybe he could use it for some good.

Standing and staring at the bottle, the man would think deeply to himself. His thoughts shifted to the people of London, the Outcasts, and especially Hellford's leader, Batsy. There wasn't anyone else who deserved better than what they'd received. Surely, there must be something they could do to help them.

Grabbing hold of the bottle, John steadied his breath before nodding his head.

"For Hellford..." he grumbled.

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