18. "Accidental Wrong Move"

Start from the beginning

"S-She got killed??" Minji exclaimed, glancing at Yoohyeon for a second before looking back at her uncle. "Apparently, yes. Some Sacred had killed her in an attack last night, but no one has heard of them ever since. They most probably got permission to leave by their leader and fled the city." Leader Kang added, making Yoohyeon silently hum in amazement of herself. She didn't expect the news of her 'death' to spread like gossip amongst grandmothers.

"Does that mean the target on Kim Yoohyeon's head is over?" Yoohyeon asked, making the leader hum in thought and nod. "I suppose so, yes." The man answered, then adding one more thing that made Yoohyeon gulp and widen her eyes in worry.

"Now that she's dead, I need someone to accompany me to her old house, but we need information from the Bluebirds first for it's exact location. Do you two maybe want to come along with me?" The leader asked with a smile, making Yoohyeon hesitantly want to decline the offer.

"We actually-"

"We'll go!"

Yoohyeon got interrupted by Minji, instantly cursing to herself because of that. "Alright then, change into your formal uniforms and we'll leave from here in 10 minutes." He bid them bye and walked away, leaving the two alone.

Yoohyeon glared at Minji, slightly punching her shoulder which made the Icebreaker look at the younger in pure confusion.

"Why did you say yes, you idiot!?" Yoohyeon angrily whisper-shouted, making Minji tilt her head. "Why not? I want to know more about you and where you came from since you never told me." Minji defended herself, earning a scoff in return from the latter. "This isn't about that Minji! What if the Bluebirds know what I look like and the leader finds out I'm not actually dead!?" Yoohyeon said, sighing in disbelief when Minji hummed a little "oh" with a frown of realization.

"Oh.. I'm sorry.." Minji apologized, scratching her neck while feeling guilty after seeing how nervous the girl looked.

Yoohyeon wasn't only nervous of the leader finding out her identity, she was petrified of the fact that she didn't know just how much the Bluebirds knew about her. She wasn't only worried of Leader Kang recognizing her, she was worried that Minji would hate her afterwards as well.

"Whatever happens, I'll try to change my uncle's mind and not let you get-"


Yoohyeon shouted in shock, accidentally interrupting Minji because of that. "Yeah?- Did you really not know?" Minji asked in disbelief, chuckling when Yoohyeon just facepalmed herself. The situation got even worse for the girl, but Minji had no clue of that.

"Don't be so worried Yooh. We can say the Bluebirds are making it all up just to lie to my uncle for supplies. Either way, you know that I got your back all the time." Minji caressed the latter's waist, placing a quick peck on her cheek. "Right.. You got my back.." Yoohyeon said to herself before being dragged back to the dormitory to change into formal uniforms.


"Are you two ready to go?" The leader asked after noticing Minji and Yoohyeon walking out, getting a nod in return from both. "W-We're ready.." Yoohyeon shakily said, holding onto Minji's belt out of anxiety. "Don't be so worried Captain Yoohtoni. I know it's your first time being in a serious meeting, but that means I trust you enough to bring you with us." The leader assured the girl, getting inside a van and telling the driver to go.

"Listen up you two. If the Bluebirds request something important that we cannot give them, we will decline the offer and wait for another possibility." The leader said while reading a book, making Yoohyeon sigh in relief to herself. There was still some hope left for the meeting to go smoothly without anyone finding out about Yoohyeon's identity.

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