🔞CHAPTER 9:mere a fabric

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"yeah pull down your pants " he said venemously.

"and this time make it quick "

she knew this was it, she can't escape him this time , last time her luck did work a little but this time no body will save her .

even though he has seen her with her pants down before also but she definitely didn't got used to it ,it is still embarrassing and it always will be .

With deliberate ambling and a dawdling pace standing at the corner , she started gradually lowering her baggy trousers, taking each inch with measured intent she started getting flashbacks of previous encounter.

In no time her baggy hoodie also cascaded downwards, its generous length extending until it reached her knees like before she was thankful for that, offering a shroud of coverage that concealed everything beneath.

The deliberate juxtaposition of her unhurried movements and the hoodie's ample embrace created an intriguing interplay of unveiling and concealing, leaving an air of mystery even as parts of her form came into view.

As she slowly lowered her baggy trousers, a glimpse of her pale, porcelain skin emerged from beneath the fabric. The soft contours of her body became apparent, gracefully defined by the gentle play of light and shadow.

A palpable displeasure settled upon him as the veil of concealment thwarted his desire to see . Though inwardly seething with frustration, he maintained a facade of calm, guarding against revealing the depth of his curiosity to her. The conflict within him simmered, a mixture of ire and restraint, as he grappled with the conflicting emotions sparked by his inability to satiate his burning curiosity.

Despite his inner struggle, her legs remained on display before him, their allure undeniable even in the midst of his conflicting emotions. He couldn't help but find them undeniably attractive, each contour and curve capturing his attention. Yet, a bitter resentment festered within him, fueled by the realization that his appreciation contradicted his own intentions. The battle between his captivation and his aversion waged on, creating a turbulent undercurrent beneath his outward demeanor.

that stupid hoodie always coming in his way .

His eyes met hers.

"pull that shit up"

she just stood still definitely heard him clearly but it was too much for her .

the frustration inside him was grewing rapidly her indolent behaviour was making his already thin patience fade away.

A air of malice cloaked in a veneer of charm, he began to move towards her, his hands nonchalantly tucked into his pockets. The combination of his enigmatic charisma and the subtle undercurrent of menace sent a shiver down her spine. Dread mingled with intrigue, as her imagination raced to fathom what he might have in store. His approach, both magnetic and disconcerting, left her with a growing sense of trepidation about his impending actions.

Standing before her, he maintained a deliberate distance, a silent boundary that emphasized the stark contrast in their sizes. As he gazed downwards, his eyes fixed on her, his imposing stature seemed to overshadow her smaller frame. The weight of his scrutiny bore down on her, intensifying the unease that had settled within. The absence of physical contact did little to quell the tension that crackled in the air, leaving her acutely aware of his presence and the unspoken intentions that lingered between them.

The scent of caramel enveloped her senses, drifting into her nostrils with an intoxicating sweetness that seemed to saturate the air around them. Each inhalation was a struggle as the aroma clung to her, an unexpected sensation that left her breathless and slightly disoriented. Unbeknownst to her, it was the essence of his being that carried this captivating fragrance, a realization that would come later.

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