14. Crystal

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Now you won't help or I shoot you next" kiaan looks into my eyes and says . He pushes the knife deeper into my heart . I know you will kill me bhai , I know and your crysie just saw it .

"I will help" I declare and walk straight towards him . Let me see if you really will do it now .

"What the fuck are you doing" the Satan's Heir isn't able to shoot as I grab the tip of his gun .

"What happened bhai , kill me " I look into his eyes with my teary ones .

He clenches his jaw and for once that mask goes off when he speaks "get aside" he holds me with an arm and shoots Archit non-stop . I scream. There is a guy who loves me bleeding on the floor . My friend who is hanging between life and death and her fiance almost dead . My brother is a monster . I'm worse for letting him be and loving him still.

One after other the boys come inside , shivay and kavish charge towards kiaan but I instantly hug him if that's the only thing that can protect the little boy inside of him . Although he deserves so much hate , so much pain but I'm ready to take it for him .

What the fuck is wrong with me ?

A lot of kiaan's men come and there is just violence around me . Kiaan wraps an arm around me and we walk out of there . I turn to look at Abhimanyu while my brother takes me away . Once again .

Abhimanyu told me about the three lifelines . I'm sure they ended . There is a new war coming up for me to face .

Whenever kiaan comes, he brings destruction . He ruins everything. When we enter inside my room , a team of doctors comes following us .

"Are you alright" ivaan questions looking at me with apprehension.

I nod as the doctors examine me .

Kiaan keeps standing aside with his arms crossed in front of his chest. I'm given a few pills and the doctors leave .

"Why examining me , when--- you were letting me--- d-die"

"Because I am a bipolar psychopath " he speaks sarcastically before going back to the poker face .

He sits in front of me on the bed , raises his hand and cups my face from one side . With the back of his hand he removes my hair from the neck and his eyes turn darker . I freeze.

"What the fuck is THAT " he growls and I flinch .

He completely removes my hair bringing them to the other side "this happened on the night of attack didn't it ?" He glares at me and I give a slight nod .

"If I slap you now , you'll---- fuck ! How the fuck did he dare and YOU , why the fuck are you hiding this ? "

He gets up and checks the drawers. I'm surprised when he takes out a first-aid kit . The doctors wouldn't have gone that far you know ?

"I ---was scared "

"Of what ? I should have shot a few more bullets in his head" he sits in front of me .

"Of y--you"

He instantly looks at my face and freezes . My phone suddenly rings and Kainaat's name flashes on the screen. I decline the call .

"You're gonna stay here , no going back to that place . No using the phone . No talking to that fucker " he applies the ointment and I hiss in pain.

My phone rings again and kiaan looks at the screen as Inayat's name shows up this time .

"How Many girls stayed with you there " he takes out a bandage from the box as I feel nostalgic . My father used to beat him and I treated his wounds in those days .

"There is Kainaat , devansh's fiance, there is Inayat , Z-Zara " he places the bandage on my neck " and Ishu"

Kiaan freezes and I instantly shut up thinking I said something wrong . His gaze comes from my neck to my face " Hmm, what about her"

"Ishu , Ishani Solanki is Kavish's sister . She's also new there and she studies Business Management" he keeps listening to me with so much concentration.

"Inayat is also stu--"

"That's alright , you can sleep now " he places the box back but takes my phone.

How am I gonna ask about Abhimanyu ?

The phone again rings but this time it's a call from ishani . Kiaan looks at it for a few seconds places the phone back and touches the green button and puts the call on speaker .

"Crysie are you alright " she asks and I swear , I swear on my life he laughs genuinely, maybe because she called me what only he calls.

"I'm fine "

"Did that monster hurt you ? I'm so gonna destroy him "

Kiaan sits back on the bed without any expression.

"Is everyone alright ?" I ask indirectly because ishani just needs a small reason to talk and she can't be stopped after that.

"Two boys are hospitalized , thanks to youngest Raghuvanshi, one girl has fainted. I'll keep giving you updates on abhimanyu don't worry"

"Okay thanks ishu" I hang up and when I'm giving my phone to kiaan , he looks at me with something else " do you love him "

I freeze , how can my big brother ask me that ? I look away and he tilts his head to the side still looking at me . He holds my chin with a finger and lifts it up . Tears stream down my cheeks but I shake my head . "I don't love him ." I don't know if I do.

"But he loves you " he says "he picked you over his sister . Got shot for you . That was enough test for him to prove it but if my sister doesn't love him , I'll take care of everything else . "Sleep " he gets up and looks at me with that poker face once again " remove this" he gives back my phone and I look at my wallpaper. "And move on"

Kiaan walks away just like everytime and I lay on my bed as tears drench my sheets .

I hope he's fine, Abhimanyu , please god save him.

I'm unable to sleep for the whole night and I get up from my bed at 1 am and go out to get water .

I'm petrified when I hear a loud thud , my spine jerks straight and I stroll to kiaan's floor . Walking up the stairs I hear him screaming "how could she??"

He is so angry at me .

"Calm the fuck down" anish says and that reminds me , where had he been? He knows only he's capable of stopping my brother .

"How can I calm down asshole , she just wiped me off ? She removed me"

"You didn't even deserve to stay so shut up "

"You wanna die right ? Ask for it straight away" kiaan growls and I hear a gun shot followed by shattering of glass . He's shooting vases again. I hate that.

"At least you found her" anish voices . Wait , who are they talking about?

"And you are not letting me bring her here . I want to ask her why ? Why is she doing this"

"Don't do anything without knowing the complete story"

"Just get out of here " kiaan growls and I hear anish's footsteps. My god , the understanding these boys have is amazing . They should actually marry each other if my brother is interested in marraige anyways .

"Hello little spy " anish smiles and throws his arm over my shoulder . We walk down the stairs to my room .

"Who is he talking about "

"Can't tell you"

"Where were you"

"Can't tell you"

"Anish" I pout and he chuckles " I was around, you didn't see me ?"

Ha-Ha , nice one.

"Hey" he pulls me next to him on the couch "I want to tell you some things"

"Ohh you really are " I roll my eyes.

"About kiaan"

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