2. Abhimnayu

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"I swear this is gonna be thrilling " devansh smirks placing the gun in front of me . I told him to bring it from Zara's room where I left it for safekeeping.

I take it and this one is specially for Ivaan Fucking Raghuvanshi. He doesn't even have an idea that he messed with devil himself .

"As long as my father doesn't drag me back home I'm fine with everything " shivay utters.

"I just want to beat him to a pulp inside his own fucking mansion" I strut towards the large wall and climb up .

"You take care of the guards " I tell them and jump . Heading inside the garden my steps are carefull but determined. There is the best security system here at IMU because of ofcourse kiaan Raghuvanshi has fucking lots of enemies in mafia business . That guy who right now is sitting inside a prison as if it's his second home . The first being this Mansion right in front of me .

"Who are you " someone places a hand on my shoulder . I clench my fist and bash my elbow into his face . He lands straight on the floor spitting blood.

"Abhimnayu " I smirk squatting near him "go tell your boss , he has guests" I get up "ohh but you can't go "I kick him in the face and my eyes land at the only balcony this side which has its lights on.

I hear a lot of footsteps and having no other choice I'll have to take this only way inside . When I climb up , I almost break a flower vase . This balcony is covered with so many flowers that it's irritating my eyes . But that's just the beginning of it . When I slide the pink curtains aside every fucking thing that comes into my vision is Pink.

"Somebody put acid in my eyes" I walk inside . The shower is running which means the girl who most probably is Ivaan's sister is inside .

My phone vibrates with a notification from Shivay that says.

Shivay : make it quick , you can't reach Ivaan , he has like hundreds of people surrounding him right now .

Fuck !! That little coward .

My eyes land at a pink colored box kept on the bed which has so many pink envelops inside it . Although I have no time for this but I'm curious.

The box has many envelops carefully lined up and a writing pad and pen are kept near it . There is a freshly written paper which I pick up to read .

Dear Bhai         [Brother]
Happy birthday to you . Although I can't see you on your birthday this year too but I'm still writing . I miss you bhai . I know you don't even have an idea . I wish I could thank you for letting me get an admission in the DEU but you know I don't have that much of courage . I can't face your cold-hearted transformed self . It hurts . It really hurts . I hope one day there will be someone who can bring you back .
Your little sister

I don't know what I feel but it's definitely not happiness.  I didn't know seeing someone hurt could hurt me too . I quickly shake my head , place the letter back thinking she'll send it to kiaan in the prison.  Maybe .

All of a sudden someone knocks at the door .

"Crystal " I hear Ivaan .

"Coming" the shower door opens and she steps out wiping her face with a towel while another towel wrapped around her . I can't see her face and she's busy in her own world. She definitely is my key to escape .

I need to get out of here . Coming to this room was itself a bad idea. She turns to open the door and I grab her by the neck from behind placing a hand on her mouth . The first thing she does is grabs her towel so that it doesn't fall .

"Shhh, I'll seriously kill you . Take me as a psychopath" I whiper near her ear and place a sharp glinting knife on her neck as her big eyes buldge out. Chocolate brown eyes with beautiful long lashes . There is something else in her eyes . Something which is so alluring.  However I don't want to fuck my plan up so I break eye contact.

"There has been a security lapse , did you see someone. Open the door I wanna check"

"I--can't" she tries hard to sound normal but I can't trust a Raghuvanshi . I push the knife towards her neck , she almost yelps but it's muffled by my hand on her mouth .

A stream of red blood flows down her neck towards her chest which I can't stop imagining right now . What the fuck is wrong with me today . Probably this girl is the reason that everything is so fucked up.

My hand feels wet and soon I realize she's crying . Her eyes are all red.

"Why ? Is there any problem ? Are you alright"

I remove my hand a little and she voices "no I just took a shower so --- I'm you know-- I--"

"It's Okay shut the doors  , don't leave any window open"

"Okay bhai"

I hear Ivaan's footsteps as he walks away so I remove the weapon from her neck . She immideatly turns around making all her wet hair fall loose on her bare shoulders. She is holding her towel tight and--- and it's unbelievable how fucking ----- beautiful she IS.

Like a pink lotus flower. She has pink cheeks , a sharp nose and big brown eyes .

She sobs and wipes her face with the back of her hand like an adorable baby . I feel like I'm paralyzed for that one moment . That one moment which is a life changer for me .

I take out a handkerchief from my pocket and take a step towards her . She fliches stepping back . Her back collides with the wall .

I remove her wet hair from the neck and place the piece of cloth on her neck .

"I-- "

My spine jerks straight as alarms ring in the Mansion and approaching footsteps become audible .

It takes me a few minutes to realize that it's time to go. I haven't seen a girl worthy of my time , or my second glance but she literally has me on my knees right now . The best part being she has no fucking idea.

Ruthless Emperor Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang