3. Crystal

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What is happiness ? Some would say family,  some would say love , money or power. I'd say it's having a purpose to live . Happiness is in being accepted by people around you . I've always been treated like a precious golden doll by my brothers since childhood . One day I woke up to find my mum was dead because my father murdered her and next day I realize my father was murdered by my brother. 

It's hilarious right?

My misery didn't stop there . I lost my brother too . When he sat on the throne of my dad , he became a completely different person.

"You're ready ?" Ivaan questions taking my bag away .

I nod and he starts walking towards the door while I follow. I pick up the pink box from the table. Tears pool in my eyes knowing that today is my brother's birthday while he is sitting in a prison.

I write him letters but never have the courage to post them . Don't know how he'll react . The very last time five years ago when I wished him birthday he said what if someone shoots me very next moment ? Or what if they give me a death sentence. Birthday? Huh , stop wasting time little sister . Do not step into my world .

His words still echo in my mind . I cried so much that night . I've never hated him, I can't even think of that. He has been like a father to ivaan and specially me. Even he's our mother . Being the younger son of the family, he didn't have to ruin his life for dad's mafia business but he still did.  I don't think he ever wants anything for himself except for someone he keeps searching around the globe. A girl . I don't know where she is but my brother would seriously die without her . I wish she comes soon .

I take out the box of cake from the fridge . It's a kiwi cake I ordered . Kiaan hates kiwis and I loved irritating him so I'd order kiwi cakes to annoy him.

I had to eat this last night but an asshole ruined the night for me at 1pm. . Chills run down my spine thinking about it again. He gave me a scar for life that I have to hide from my brothers and I hate him , I hate him forever.

I was shivering like hell under his hold but he was staring at me like a dumbass before leaving . He's dead if kiaan comes to know but I won't complain . Having another murder case on my brother's name would be the worst thing to do .

I've tried calling kiaan when he's away several years ago but he would ask me if I need anything or if anyone is creating problems for me . He never talks about him , his problems , his life . It's hard to watch him putting on that facade . He can fool anyone but me.

My brother is my life and I can die for him because he dies everyday for me .

"Crystal we'll get late" Ivaan calls and I rush out.

"Give it to me " he asks for the pink box but I shake my head. 
"It's Okay I'll keep it"

"Okay " he smiles and gives me cash .

"Take care of yourself okay" he pats my head . Ivaan and I have been close since Kiaan took his own path but he can never replace kiwi in my life . Nobody can .

While he drives me to the Dream Elite University campus ,I can't stop thinking about that guy last night I saw. I've seen so many of his pictures at the website of this University.  His name is Abhimnayu Mandhana . If I consider from the outer appearance , he literally is a model cut out from a magazine but on the inside I can tell how depraved he is.

I just want to spend my time at the university peacefully and never face him again because I don't know what I'll do when I see DEU's Ruthless Emperor again.

Ivaan's phone suddenly rings with a call from an unknown number . It is connected to the car so I hear "kiaan has ordered to arrange a call with you "

My spine jerks straight as Ivaan stops the car and tells the man to  connect the call .

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