Jellie||Desert dads!||hermitcraft + tubbo||fluff||modern AU

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Scar pov:
(To confirm Tubbo is adopted but grian is also ftm trans so you can choose whether or not your want him to be adopted or biological, He was made in a lab has the same hair colour on his front hair is grian because scientists used his dna and the other half is brown, a darker shade than scars)

I was sitting  at my desk playing some Minecraft when all of a sudden Tubbo runs in-

He came through the door holding something and stood next to "SCAR SCAR SCAR I FOUND CAT!!" Tubbo screamed smiling heavenly,

"She's so pretty can we keep her please?!" He was filled with joy and was hoping I'd say yes to his request.

"Tubbo, we have Maui and pearl already and if we could get a new cat grian would have to agree-"

I was cut off by a certain dirty blonde "I Agreed we're keeping her no questions asked." He peeped his head through and smiled, as he ran out Tubbo sat with the grey cat and played around on the floor with her happily

He looks up at me. "Dad, father said yes so what can we name her?"

"She is cute," I said "How about we call her jellie?" I got out of my chair and sat with my son

"Ohh I like it! Can she meet Tommy?" He said, "I'll take care of her I swear! I'll make sure he doesn't throw her of a building please??" He was genuine, Tubbo was a sweet kid so of course I agreed.

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