Chapter 18 | Mickey and Minnie

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After dinner, Abby and I thanked Sam again and left The Dingo. We didn't have anything else to do, so we decided to go back to the Curtis house to see Ponyboy and Two-bit. Despite the fact today was a fun day, a day without Two-bit is too long.

I was excited to tell him all about our day, then hear about his day, which probably consisted of Mickey Mouse, chocolate cake, and beer. I need to get him out of drinking. I don't like the thought of him doing it constantly.

I won't stop him from drinking entirely, but drinking every day kind of bothers me, and frankly kind of scares me. I'm scared he could end up hurt. Although, I'm no saint. I'd murder him if he was flirting with a girl while drunk. Unless it's me. I don't think he would, but still.

We opened the door and found Ponyboy and Two-bit alone. Why does this give me a bad feeling? Why does this give me a really bad feeling?

"Hey, girls." They both said in sync. Now I was really worried.

"Did you two do something?" Abby asked. Now I know she had the same idea.

"No, of course not." Two-bit said, but I didn't really believe him, because he's chaotic. Good thing he has looks because he doesn't have smarts. I shouldn't be this mean to my boyfriend. I looked at Ponyboy because I knew he would be honest if I gave him the right look.

"The backyard." Ponyboy said, I looked at Abby for answers, but she shook her head. Two-bit gave Ponyboy a dirty look.

"What did you do?" I asked, wondering if it was bad, or not. I was hoping not, he doesn't seem like that kind of guy, but the thought scares me. 

Abby grabbed my hand and pulled me to the backyard to see what was up. Two-bit and Ponyboy got up and followed us. 

I opened the backdoor, and I was shocked at the sight. There were balloons everywhere. Hung up and on the ground, I'm surprised they haven't blown away.

The gang was there and they all held up a sign. Even Dally, although, he didn't seem to be enjoying it that much. Soda and Steve seemed to be enjoying it too much though.

Darry was trying to get control over Soda and Steve, but not having any luck whatsoever. Johnny was the only one who could stand there normally. Then I read the sign.

In a few years, will you marry me?

Holy shit-

I turned around to look at Two-bit, who was smiling back at me. I looked at the gang, who had all shut up and stared. Abby started snickering.

"Were you in on this?" I asked.

"Yep." She smiled proudly.

"Should've known." I said under my breath. I slowly walked up to Two-bit. I know my answer, at least I think I do. I was just scared to put it into words.

"Of course I would." I smiled, then we kissed, the best kiss I've ever had. It was long and I never wanted to break away, not even to breathe.

The whole gang started clapping, whooping, and cheering.

"Is this the next step you wanted?" Abby asked, laughing.

"Yeah, I guess." I laughed.


Hey ya'll thanks for reading Not All Socs Are Socy. This was kind of fun, although it was hard to write. I remember coming up with the idea and I had a bunch of people help me along the way. It's gotten pretty popular, and I'm just finishing now. I'm glad people enjoyed it. Love ya'll so much.

Words: 587
Date Published: August 2nd 4:30 p.m. EDT

Stay Shining!!!

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