Chapter 6 | Jumped

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"You can come here, it's water proof. I hope."

My heart almost skipped a beat when I heard rustling around nearby. I must've fallen asleep because I shot up when this happened. I don't even remember falling asleep. All I know is that I am freezing to death.

I opened the tarp flap and looked around. I was trying to find what could've caused the noise I heard. I saw a shadow a few trees away from where I was.

Me being paranoid, I closed it quickly, grabbed my switch, and laid down, pretending to sleep. I didn't want to alert who and/or what it was.

I suddenly heard a thud and someone mutter "damn it". So it was definitely a person. I looked outside again to see if they were okay.

I saw someone on the ground so I decided to see if they were okay. I left my tarp house.

"Are you alright, kid?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I was just lookin' for a football my friends threw in here earlier." He said.

"This late?" I asked curiously. He was silent for a second.

"Yeah." He said.

"I know this is a long shot, but would some of those friends just so happen to be named Two-bit and Sodapop?" I asked. He nodded.

"How'd ya know?" He asked.

"I met 'em earlier and they told me 'bout ya'll and how much ya'll like football." I explained.

"Oh, so you're that girl, Dakota?" He asked.


"I'm Johnny." He said.

"Nice to meet ya, kid." I said. Then I realized that it was supposed to rain.

"Do ya have a place to say, it's supposed to rain." I said. He shrugged.

"You can come here, it's water proof. I hope." I said. He nodded. Something told me he wouldn't come. I don't know why, but I just felt like he wouldn't.

He walked away, but there's nothing I can do to get him to come in here until it starts downpouring.  Then I'll just kinda force him to come here.

I was tired though. I yawned and laid down. I was freezing. I wrapped a jacket around me and hoped I would warm up a little bit.

The wind was blowing rain through the flap and into my little hideaway. I curled up in a ball and shivered. The wind was getting worse and the rain was cold.

I backed myself into a corner and huddled up with my backpack and pillow I used both of those to guard me from the wind.

Every time I almost drifted off, something startled me and I was wide awake again. I just watched the flap blow in the wind until I swore I saw shadows outside it. I blinked and I didn't see them anymore. Must be my eyes tricking me since I am tired.

I looked back over not even a minute later and there they were again. Only this time, they didn't disappear when I blinked. The flap started to open very slowly. This was not the wind.

A Soc's head appeared along with some of his friends. I swallowed back a scream because I didn't want to make it worse.

I started to breathe heavily. The world was moving in slow motion. I couldn't move. I was so scared. I had no idea what I could do.

"Guys, it's Dakota, the Soc dropout." The one who opened the flap said.

"She's not a Soc anymore. If anything, she's a Greaser now." the second one said.

"Do ya know what we do to Greasers?" The last one asked. I knew they were going to jump me. I had no where to run. 

They all ran in and pinned me to the ground. I tried to get away, but when you're a tired female getting pinned by three males, it's hard.

The leader of the three started ripping my clothes off of me while I was left defenseless. He took off his own while his friends held me down and I just knew what was going to happen next.

I shut my eyes tight like that was going to help. Tears were rolling down my face and there was no stopping them. I just wanted it to be over soon.


I woke up. I must've passed out because there is no way I could've fallen asleep. It wasn't raining anymore, but I was freezing. It was dawn. I looked down at myself. My shirt was ripped along with my bra. 

My underwear and pants were at my ankles and my hoodie was thrown elsewhere. Everything that happened to me and I started crying. I fixed my bra, put on my hoodie, and pulled up my underwear and pants.

I curled up in a ball and cried. I couldn't do anything else. All I could think about were the evil faces of those Socs. The eyes of the Soc who raped me. His cold, dead, brown eyes, staring at me. Looking me right in the face and still doing what he did. 

Everything that happened came in flashes. Remembering everything so vividly scared me. I can never remember anything, but somehow I remember this.

I heard approaching footsteps and I got scared. I lifted my head up when the flap opened. It was Johnny. His face turned to concern when he saw me.

"Dakota, are ya okay?" He asked. I slowly shook my head no. I didn't want to speak because I knew I would cry more if I did.

He tried to come over to me, but I backed myself up. I don't know why. I'm not scared, it just felt like I was in survival mode.

He suddenly left and I heard quick receding footsteps. I was wondering if he was getting help.

Words: 929
Date Published: July 6th 12:13 p.m. EDT

Stay Shining!

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