Chapter 8 | Wake Up

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"Why can't I be a normal teenage girl with a normal teenage girl life?"


I woke up in my house. My actual house. It was a normal day. Everything that happened has been a dream all this time.

I got out  of bed. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, then I went back to my room to get dressed.

After I was ready for the day, I left my room. I went into the kitchen. It was 7:00 so I should be leaving for 'school'. My parents weren't in the kitchen. I didn't see Bob anywhere either. I shrugged it off and went on my way. 

While walking aimlessly around, I ran into Maddy and Ashley. Weren't they supposed to be in school?

"You're a disappointment, Dakota." Ash said.

"Everyone hates you, you're dumb." Maddy said. I was shocked. I knew they hated me, but this is a bit much.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. They were both gone. I must be hallucinating. How could I be hallucinating? I don't know.

I kept walking. It was past noon, so I went home. I wanted to sit inside and watch movies for a while. Seems like a good way to start the day.

I opened my door and found both my parents standing angrily in the kitchen. Oh I was in for it now.

"You have put shame on this family." Dad said.

"You make us look like shit." Mom said.

"You're a failure." They both said in sync. They both pushed past me and went out the door. They closed it behind them. I ran to the door to catch up to them, but when I opened the door, they were gone.

I looked both left and right and found nothing. Their car was there, but they were nowhere to be seen. I decided to just forget about it and go to the park. Surely the park would be okay to hang out, right?

I sat down on the bench and started watching the clouds. They were moving very slowly today, but they were still very puffy. They looked fake. Like in a children's book.

I heard footsteps quickly approaching so I looked away from the sky. I found Bob. What was he doing here? School couldn't be over yet.

"You're dumber than all Greasers. People hate you, Kota." I blinked in confusion. What is up with everyone today?

I started walking away, but he followed me. I did my best to ignore him, but he wouldn't stop until I found myself believing everything he was saying.

All of a sudden, I found Bob, my parents, and Maddy and Ashley all surrounding someone. They were saying rude things and beating on them. I decided to go stop it.

"What are ya'll doing?!" I asked with anger in my voice.

They all looked at me with dead, evil looks in their eyes. They started repeating what they said to me earlier. I was overwhelmed by all the comments and I started to cry. Then the person they were jumping stood up. It was Two-bit.

"No wonder your family and friends hate you. Now that I know you, I realize how dumb you actually are." He said. I was bawling at this point. Why was this happening? Why does everyone hate me? Why am I such a failure?

"Dakota..." I heard a voice. I don't know who it belonged to or where it was coming from. I was becoming even more flooded with the comments.

"Dakota...wake up. You're havin' a nightmare."  I heard the voice again. It's a dream?  It's all fake?

*Dream Ends*

I shot up. This was the most realistic nightmare I've ever had. I just stared at the wall for a second before I looked over at Two-bit. He was giving me a worried look.

I took a deep, shaky breath. Even while awake, I heard the voices telling me I am a failure. That everyone hates me. That I am dumb.

"Dakota, please try to remember that you are special. Ya aren't dumb, ya aren't a failure. Soda, Pony, and I all like you. 

"Was...I talking in my sleep?" I asked, burning from embarrassment. He nodded slowly. I buried my face in my hands.

He put his arm around me and I started crying. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder. He hugged me back.

Why can't everything just be simple? Why can't I be a normal teenage girl with a normal teenage girl life? Why can't my family just accept that I dropped out?

"I don't know." Two said. I didn't even realize I was talking out loud. I didn't care enough at this point. I've already embarrassed myself too much, why should I care now?

There was a knock on the door and it opened, revealing Sodapop. His face turned to concern. He closed the door behind him and walked over.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, sitting down next to me. I tried to answer, but I couldn't, so Two-bit answered for me.

"She had a nightmare." He said. Sodapop nodded in understanding.

Soon, I finally fell back asleep. Soda stayed here until I fell asleep. He said he would, then he would go to bed. I don't know how long Two-bit stayed. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I found him there asleep. I smiled and fell asleep again. What a restless night.

Words: 881

Date Published: July 9th 9:13 p.m. EDT

Stay Shining!!!

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