Chapter 10 | Matchmakers

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"Why are there two tomato heads staring at each other?!"

I called Abby by Ponyboy's suggestion. He did make a good point while I was calling her. Might as well have my best friend here to help me get adjusted rather than doing it alone.

I don't get adjusted to things very well. I don't like when things change, but for some reason, that's been happening nonstop.

Abby came running basically right after I got off the phone with her. Like I said before, she's caring. She's probably been very worried about me since I left her house. 

"Socs were talking about you in school." She whispered to me. I felt myself burn from the embarrassment and humiliation. I knew what she was talking about. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry." She said. I was kind of feeling awkward, so I broke from the hug and changed the subject.

"Well, it's gonna be a while before everyone else is here, so why don't ya talk to Ponyboy." I suggested, excusing myself. I went to walk away,  but I  noticed something that made me laugh.

Ponyboy was staring at Abby and blushing. In reaction to this Abby started blushing so it turned into this awkward blushing staring match. I quickly walked away before I started to laugh.

I heard the door open and Two-bit entered the kitchen. He started laughing.

"What's goin' on out there? Why are there two tomato heads staring at each other?!" He was laughing like a maniac, which was making me laugh.

"They're both socially awkward people who've never had a crush. I think that explains it all." I explained, laughing.

"Fair." He laughed.

We both peeked our heads around the corner and watched them. They both started talking about random stuff.

"Pony, come look at this!" Two screamed suddenly. I was silently laughing. He ran in the room, looking relieved to be out of there.

"I'll bet ya five bucks that ya don't have the guts to ask her out." Two said, giving me a smirk. I quickly caught on. Two was trying to make Pony want to ask her out and actually do it. He wanted to, but he was scared.

Pony thought for a second before nodding. He went back into the room and a few minutes later, Two owed him five bucks. He asked Abby to go to the Dingo tomorrow night and she happily squealed and agreed. I slapped my forehead.

He gave him his money and we let the two of them talk. Not before I got a word with him.

"Liar." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"You said you wouldn't drool over her." I laughed. He playfully hit me on my head and left the room.

"Don't make me hunt you down horseboy!" I yelled.

"I wish I had matchmakers like us." I said.

"Why, do ya like someone?" He asked laughing. I decided I was going to just say it because at this point, I don't care enough to stop myself. I'm very straightforward, too straightforward. 

"Yeah, you." I said, turning fully seriously. So did he. I just stared at him, hoping for a good answer.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded slowly.

"Well, funny thing. I like you too." He said. We were both silent, which is weird.

"So, wanna go to the Dingo tomorrow night?" I asked.

"Sure." He shrugged. We both started laughing again.

We both walked into the living room, which now held the whole gang, staring silently at us. Well they heard us.

"I knew it!" Soda shouted in the silence, causing everyone to erupt in laughter.

Words: 579
Date Published: July 16th 2:51 p.m. EDT

Stay Shining!

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