Chapter 9 | Greaser...

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"So, even when I was a Soc, I was still a Greaser at heart?"

"Why'd ya stop track?" Pony asked suddenly while we were watching Mickey Mouse. We were the only ones home and we were just casually relaxing on the couch.

"I-uh-was kicked off." I revealed.

"Oh." He said.

I started to get side-tracked, thinking if I have less money, does that make me a Greaser? Or am I always going to be a Soc. 

I spent a while pondering over this. Money can't be all that separates Soc from Greaser, right? It can't be just because their rich and Greasers are poor. That may be part of it, but that can't be all.

"Earth to Dakota."

I snapped out of my thoughts. Ponyboy was just looking at me.

"Are ya alright?" He asked.

"This might be a weird question, but I prefer to be straight forward. Am I a Greaser or a Soc?" I asked. It probably sounded dumb, but I needed someone who could help me with the question, even if there was a seemingly obvious answer.

"I got to know ya in track, and now that ya hang with the gang. I think you're a Greaser..." He paused for a second,  "I think you've always been a Greaser."

"But I grew up on the Soc side, I was a rich kid." I said, explaining why it was so hard for me to decide this.

"There's a lot more to being a Greaser than dressing like hoods and being poor with harsh backgrounds. Greasers suffer in silence, we are too tough to feel anything. Socs feel too much and it gets in the way of being themselves." He explained.

"I've always hidden my emotions because I feel like I need to be tough." I revealed.

"You've always been a Greaser. But only now you are considering it." He said.

"So, even when I was a Soc, I was still a Greaser at heart?" I asked.

"Basically." He shrugged.

"When did ya get so wise?" I asked with a slight chuckle.

"When I met Cherry Valance and we were talking about it." He said.

Cherry. Bob's girlfriend, or ex I should say. She loved him so much that she had to let him go. She hated going out with him when he was getting drunk and he never listened when she threatened to leave him. 

I don't like her nor do I hate her. I don't care that she left Bob, but she's a cheerleader, and I don't like cheerleaders. Also, I have no doubts about her hating me. She is friends with Maddy and Ash.

"Do ya have any other friends?" He asked. Not in a rude way though.

"My bestie Abby." I said.

"Oh, she's the one in my grade, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, her."

"She seems nice, do ya think she would like the gang?" He asked.

I needed to think about it for a second. She was a motherly type. She was smart, almost as if she knew everything, kind of like a mother. Also, she's a smartass.

She cares a lot about people. I could see her liking the ones I've met so far. I still haven't met Dally and...that's it. I met Darry this morning. I also met Steve and actually talked to him this morning.

I heard Dally was a tough character. Abby is also pretty tough. She cares about people she is close to, but she is not fond of others.

"Yeah, probably." I said.

"Why not invite her over?" He asked.

"I barely know most of ya'll as it is, do ya think I should invite my best friend over if I don't even know everyone?" I asked.

"Why not?" He replied. I gave him a blank stare.

"Sure, I'll invite her, but don't drool on her." I joked. He laughed.

"Not a chance."

Words: 613
Date Published: July 11th 5:21 p.m. EDT

Stay Shining!!!

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