Chapter 17 | Girls Day! Part 2

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Abby made our reservation at the spa the other day, so all we had to do was wait for it to be time. The lobby was so pretty.

The floor was carped with an assortment of blues, purples, grays, and black. There were benches that matched the black and gray. The tables matched the benches, like they came in a set. There were plants in the corners and near the benches and tables. There were lamps in case you needed light for reading if it was too dark.

We both sat down on one of the black sofas. It was some sort of leather, it was really comfortable. It was kind of cold from being exposed to the air for so long. 

I've never actually been to a spa before. That's why I'm so excited, for the experience. I know my mom went a lot with her friends, but she never brought me. Who could blame her, she wouldn't want a kid there. Especially since I could never make her happy. I guess it sucks, but whatever.

Soon, it was time for us to have our spa day, even though we weren't gonna be here all day. We couldn't afford much, but that's okay. At least we could make it worth it. I'd rather be here with Abby with almost no money than alone with all the money in the world.

All we really did was sit in a hot tub and chat, which was pretty fun until we ran out of topics to talk about, so we wanted to do something else. We still had time here, so we decided to prank everyone here. By that, I mean, we decided to be the most annoying people on the face of the Earth.

We both started running around, flapping our arms and screaming 'Come on little birdies, fly!' After a few minutes we got chased by security.

"Look Abby, we got some little birdies!" I said, laughing like a maniac. She started to laugh even more than she already was.

Eventually we got caught and got escorted out of the premises. We were told we were banned for two years and if we came back before then, we would be arrested for trespassing. So today has been great today so far.

We laughed, walked, and talked. We were trying to decide where we should go now. We decided to go to the movies and make fun of the movies because they all suck.

"Beach movies are so bad, but so good when you need to make fun of something." I said.

"Beach movies give boys something to drool over, and girls to make fun of." Abby laughed.

"I feel like that's all Soc girls that are full of themselves." I laughed.

"At least when you were a Soc, you weren't full of yourself ." Abby said.

"Ponyboy said I was apparently a Greaser at heart, even when I was a Soc. He's a wise kid, I believe him." I said. Abby blushed at his name.

We finally made it to the Drive-In. Instead of paying, we snuck in through a hole in the gate the guys showed us. It's not fun to crawl under, but it's worth not paying and still seeing a movie, good or not.


"That girl definitely used a spray tan." I laughed, pointing at the screen.

"A cheap one too, she looks orange." Abby laughed.

"And that girl does not look good in yellow." I complained.

"I was about to say that." Abby laughed.

This is what a true friendship is like. Making fun of girls on Beach movies because there is nothing better to do. Soon enough, it was dinner time, so that's the last thing on our list for today.

We went to The Dingo because you can never beat a classic. it already feels weird walking in there considering I work here now. Maybe I'll get a discount. That would be nice.

Abby and I sat down in a booth and waited for a waiter or waitress, one of my coworkers to come take our orders.

My coworker, Sam, was one of the only waiters. He was really nice to me. Before you get any ideas, he's gay. So he doesn't like me that way. Imagine how awkward it would be having to reject someone. I hope I never have to.

"Hey, Dakota, hey Dakota's friend." He said. He had a strong Bostonian accent, because that's where he grew up.

"That's Abby, the girl I told you about. Abby, this is my coworker, Sam." I introduced the two of them to each other.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Abby." He said kindly, "What can I get ya'll today?"

"The number one meal with a chocolate shake." I said. The number one meal was a basic burger with fries and the drink of your choice.

"Same, except with a vanilla shake." Abby said. Sam nodded.

"Alright, I'll be back with that." He walked away.

"Where's he from, he doesn't sound like he's from around here." Abby said as soon as he was out of earshot.

"He's from Boston, he moved here last year. He's a really nice guy." I explained.

"Did he tell you what Boston was like?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah a bit. He said it's kinda like New York, except the people are slightly nicer and the crime rates are lower. It's just as expensive." I said.

"Do they have a lot of history stuff?" She asked.

"He said they had quite a few statues, museums, and stuff on the Revolutionary War." I said, shrugging.

"Boston sounds pretty cool, and there's beaches up there too?" She asked excitedly.

"I know there's a harbor in the city itself. There are a lot of beaches nearby." I said.

"That sounds way cool, I've always wanted to go." Abby said.

"Maybe you could talk to Sam about what it's like." I suggested.

"Maybe." She said.

Sam came with our shakes and placed them in front of us. He smiled at both of us. He really was a sweet guy.

"Boss said your meals are half off since you work here." Sam said. I smiled.

"I was hoping." I laughed, causing a chuckle out of him.

"I'll  be back with your food shortly." He said, walking away again.

"He's kinda cute, if Ponyboy didn't exist, I'd want him to ask me out." Abby said.

"He's gay." I said.

"Well then if I was a guy." Her face grew red from embarrassment.

"I'd be gay if I were a guy." I laughed.

"Same." She giggled.

Sam came back with two trays with our food on it and placed them in front of us.

"Enjoy ladies." He said.

"We will, thanks." I said. He smiled before walking away.

Words: 1080
Date Published: August 2nd 12:15 a.m. EDT

Stay Shining!!!

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