Chapter 4 | A Mickey Mouse Lover

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"...if ya get any redder, ya might stay that way forever."

"Want some hot chocolate?" I opened my eyes wide and Sodapop was holding a mug of hot chocolate in front of me. I nodded eagerly. He laughed and put it down on a table beside the couch.

Mickey Mouse was on the TV and Two-bit was watching it. He was on the floor with a half-eaten chocolate cake and a bottle of beer. I never noticed his Mickey Mouse shirt before.

"Did I take over the couch from ya?" I asked, suddenly starting to feel guilty. He quickly shook his head.

"Oh no, I always sit on the floor watching Mickey Mouse. It's my favorite show." He explained. I nodded. Then my brain processed what he said.

"You like Mickey Mouse?" I asked eagerly. He nodded enthusiastically.

"Me too!" I exclaimed. He smiled brightly.

"The gang says I'm too childish." He complained.

"So did my mom." I replied. I thought about what happened and the thought made me want to cry. Two-bit seemed to notice quickly.

"Hey, are ya alright he asked?" I nodded yes, but for some reason, I couldn't hold it in. I started crying. Not sobbing, just silent tears.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright." He said, coming onto the couch and sitting next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I gladly let him.

"Last night, I got kicked out because I dropped out of school. They said I was causing shame on the family." I cried. I don't know why I was telling him this. Something about him made me feel like I could open up and be honest.

He didn't say anything. Maybe he didn't know what to say, or he just wanted to let me vent a little bit.

"Can I use the phone?" I asked when finally stopped crying.

"I don't think anyone will mind." Two-bit shrugged. I nodded. I started dialing Abby's number. I needed to try to find a place to stay.

"Hello?" I heard my best friend's voice answer.

"Hey, it's Dakota." I was trying to put on a fake smile even though nobody could see my face.

"What's wrong, you sound upset." She asked.

"I got kicked out last night, and some nice Greaser kids let me go to their house. I'm calling ya from their phone." I explained.

"I don't know if you can stay over, but I can let you come until we figure something out." She suggested.

"Sure, I'll be on my way soon. Love ya bestie." I said.

"Love ya too!" She said before hanging up the phone.

"Who'd ya call?" Two-bit asked me.

"My best friend, Abby. I need a place to stay, and I'm going over to figure that out." I explained. He nodded.

"Well good luck, and feel free to come around and say hi!" Sodapop shouted from the kitchen.

"Thanks, Sodapop!" I shouted. He peeked his head into the living room

"Call me Soda." He grinned.

"Let me walk ya there, I don't want ya gettin' jumped. Especially in this condition." Two-bit said. I nodded because I didn't want to leave him just yet.

I went to pick up my backpack, but he picked it up before I could.

"I'm not letting ya carry this, I'll carry it for ya." He said.

"No it's fine." I said, not wanting him to think I was needy.

"No really, I insist on helping your majesty." Two-bit joked.

"Excuse him, he likes to make a lot of jokes." Soda called from the kitchen. I laughed.

"Alright peasant." I joked right back. I looked at Soda to see what he would do. He just rolled his eyes and chuckled. Two-bit was holding in a laugh.

"Careful Two, if ya get any redder, ya might stay that way forever." We both laughed.

We then left Sodapop's house. Two-bit and I were talking, joking, and laughing. We were having a really good time and I didn't want it to end.

I heard a mustang behind us so I instinctively turned around to investigate. It was Bob's mustang. Of course it was.

Bob and Randy climbed out. Two and I kept walking, but they both stepped in front of us. Two slightly pushed me back behind him.

"Kota, what're ya doing? Why'd ya stoop down to someone like him?" Bob asked with an annoyed tone.

"Ya'know him?" Two asked me.

"Yeah, he's my brother." I said with a hint of embarrassment. I won the lottery of worst brother.

"Wow, ya'll are nothing alike." He said.

"Tell me something I don't know." Bob and I said in sync. Ew.

"Listen Kota, mom and dad are sorry. They want ya back home. I don't know why." Bob said. One, he was probably lying. Two, if he was telling the truth, I wouldn't go back anyway. I was to scared to speak though.

"She doesn't want to go with you." Two defended. I smiled.

"Too bad, she doesn't have a choice." Bob said.

"Leave or else." Two warned.

"Not without Kota." Bob said snottily. Why won't he just leave me alone?

"If ya want her, you'll have to go through me." I felt my cheeks grow hot. They were burning. I hid my face so nobody would notice.

Bob and Randy flicked out their switchblades and Two flicked out his. He put my bag down. I've never seen such a cool switch. It had a black handle and it was about ten inches long.

I flicked out mine. It has a navy blue handle and the blade itself is black. It was six inches long. Not super long, but long enough to do some damage. I didn't want to have to use it.

"This is your last chance, Kota. Just come with me." Bob said. I shook my head. Two-bit was still guarding me, but I was ready to fight if I needed to.

Nobody was moving. We were all just staring each other down. I didn't want to be here. I just wanted to go to Abby's house and get this all sorted out. I for one, was done with this.

"Bob, get out of our way. It's not like ya care anyway." I said, starting to walk again. Two followed me.

"This isn't over, Dakota." Bob said.

"Yeah yeah, alright. Whatever." I said. I don't give the next two shits about what he does. I won't let him bother me.

Words: 1020

Date Published: 10:48 p.m. EDT

Stay Shining!!!

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