Chapter 11 | Dingo Date Drama

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"Damn, the girls are lookin' fine this evening."

I went out with Abby the next day because I needed something nice to wear and some makeup. She also wanted to get a new outfit for her date with Ponyboy.

We went to this really nice clothing store. There were a lot of cheap dresses there that still looked so good. There were also some very nice fancy outfits that weren't quite dresses. I wanted a dress though.

I wanted a dress, but not too extravagant. Something basic that will be easy to match with other accessories.

I was thinking about black or navy blue. I didn't like most of the navy blue ones so I went with black. I found a basic, but pretty one, so I decided to buy it.

 I found a basic, but pretty one, so I decided to buy it

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Abby was going for something with more color. She was thinking a few different shades of blue for a pattern. It took her a little while longer to find something she liked.

Then we went to a hair salon to get our hair done. I got a french braid and Abby got soft curls. Nothing too crazy.

"Then, we both went to her house and started getting makeup on. We only had two hours left before it was time to go. Two hours!

When we were finally ready, we both went to the Curtis House. We went quickly because two girls looking as dressed up as us are in danger if someone with the wrong intentions sees them.

We walked into the Curtis house and Steve and Soda were in the living room. 

"Damn, the girls are lookin' fine this evening." Steve said, causing Soda to laugh.

"But really, ya'll look great." Soda said.

"Thanks." Both Abby and I said in sync. We both sat down on the couch and waited. We were a little early anyway.

Just then, Two-bit walked through the door with a suit on and his hair slicked back. My jaw dropped.

"Wow, Two-bit, you must really like her if you're wearin' somethin' other than a Mickey shirt." Soda said, sounding shocked. Two blushed. I stood up.

"Have fun Abby, let me know how it goes."

"I will. Same to you."

Two-bit was going to drive. He had his old rickety truck, but I didn't care. Driving us, even in an old truck is great.

We arrived at The Dingo. It was mostly a Greaser hangout, but it gets the occasional group of Socs who are looking to pick fights or look for people to pick on.

We sat down in a booth in the corner. There were big windows and I've always liked window seats in restaurants. 

"Look! It's Dakota, the dumb Soc!" A Soc yelled. I chuckled awkwardly.

"She's a Greaser now!"

"Ignore them." Two-bit whispered.

'I'm trying." It was silent for a few moments. I didn't want to be bothered, but it's hard to ignore it.

Then, a Soc girl thought it would be funny to throw all her leftover trash at me. I...was...mad.

"Dakota, relax." Two-bit tried to say, but instead, I picked up a burger and threw it in her face. I gave her a mischievous smile.

"Why are you such a bitch, because of all the Greaser friends you run around with?" She asked.

"Shut up before I beat the plastic out of you!" I yelled. Before it got any worse, Two-bit dragged me out of there. Good thing because I would've kicked her ass.

"Dakota relax, we can just go somewhere else, let's just go get you cleaned up a bit." Two said. I nodded, starting to calm down a little. 

"Such a little bitch." I muttered under my breath.

"Dakota...calm down." Two-bit said. He started wiping some of the ketchup and stuff off my face from when the trash got thrown at me.

"Why does everyone hate me?!" I yelled, beginning to feel overwhelmed.

"Don't worry about what everyone else thinks. That doesn't matter. They all need someone to make fun of so they can ignore all of their problems. Remember that, alright?" Two asked.

"Alright." We both went back to the Curtis House and decided we would try again another time. It wasn't too bad because I got to spend the evening with Two-bit. That's what matters.

I quickly got changed into something more comfortable before going back to Two-bit.

Nobody else was around so we sat down on the couch. I leaned on his shoulder and started to drift off to sleep.

Words: 729
Date Published: July 22nd 12:00 a.m. EDT

Stay Shining!

Not All Socs are Socy | Two-bit Fanfiction | The Outsidersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें