Chapter 3 | Out Like a Light

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"I never had the intention of falling asleep, but that's what happened anyway."

I didn't move for a second. I don't know if it was because I was too scared and in shock. Or if it was because I thought I could make it seem like I wasn't there. Either way, I should've run.

I got up and started to run. The problem is, I couldn't leave my bag because that is all I have. I needed everything in there to survive. I ran with the backpack on my back.

When I still did track, I was second fastest. The fastest was a kid Grease. I don't remember his name, but it was something along the lines of Horseboy or something. I remember thinking his name was weird and related to a horse. 

I didn't mind him because he mostly kept to himself. He didn't have a lot of friends, but he did really well. Best Greaser and could beat most Socs with his smarts.

I was able to get slightly ahead, but I wasn't nearly as fast as usual because I was tired and carrying a backpack full of all my belongings.

I looked behind me once to see if they were still following me and they were. Why was this happening to me?

I knew I was only being jumped as revenge against us Socs for jumping Greasers. I just needed to keep running and maybe this nightmare would end.

I had no choice but to run into Greaser territory. It would be easier to hide there anyway. I needed to find somewhere to hide to wait this out.

I ran into an alleyway. There were a bunch of twists and turns. I stopped running and tried to listen for anything.

I know they followed me into the alleyway, but they went another way. I know I'm safe now.

I left the alleyways and found a vacant lot. I explored it for a little and it looked like someone already used it. I decided to find somewhere else.

I kept walking for a little longer. I barely made it to the end of the street before I started to get light headed.

I'm exhausted, I am feeling nauseous, and I feel like I am going to pass out. Before I knew it, I was out like a light.


When I woke up, I heard voices. I felt too weak to open my eyes or do anything, so I stayed there in that position.

"What happened to this girl?" I heard a voice ask. I've heard this voice before, but I don't know from where.

"That's the girl from yesterday I told ya'll about." That voice belonged to the kid I helped yesterday. That means these two are Greaser boys. I shot up. The one with long side-burns was knelt down beside me and the one from yesterday was standing up behind him. 

Now I know where I recognize the first kid's voice from. He was in most of my classes and was always annoying the teacher. And Socs of course. I liked him because he made classes easier. Although he's a Greaser and I can't trust Greasers.

"Are ya alright?" He asked me. I looked at him. I didn't know what to say or do. I just backed up a bit.

"Ya don't have to be scared." The other kid said, kneeling down next to me, "I'm Sodapop, that's Two-bit."

"I'm Dakota." I muttered, not knowing whether to trust them or not. I started biting my nails. It's a bad nervous habit I have.

"Come on, let us help ya out." Two-bit said.

"No, I'm fine." I lied. I really wasn't. I was tired, I felt sick, and for some reason, my left ankle was aching.

"It's okay, Dakota. We won't hurt ya. I promise." Two-bit said. I stared at him a little longer before I nodded in agreement.

Sodapop picked up my bag, which was laying next to me on the ground. Two-bit pulled me up and helped me walk since my ankle was hurting.

They took me to Sodapop's house. They were telling me about their gang and just about life in general. I don't know why it was comforting, but it was.

I was trembling. I don't know if it was because I was still scared of them, or still shaken from the night before. I think it was the second one.

Two-bit noticed and he squeezed my hand, something about it made me feel safe. I don't know why. It's never happened to me before.

Sodapop opened his door. It was unlocked. I wondered why with all the risks in the world, they kept the door unlocked. What if someone broke in? I however decided to ignore it.

Two-bit sat me down on the couch. I didn't protest because after the night I had, it was the most comfortable thing I've ever sat on.

I laid down and shut my eyes. My eyes felt like they needed to rest. I never had the intention of falling asleep, but that's what happened anyway.

I just wondered why my parents would lie to me about Greasers. They actually seem much nicer than Socs if I am being honest. No Soc would ever take a random girl off the street and help her like this.

Words: 859
Date Published: June 30th 1:42 a.m. EDT

A/N there is something wrong with me. I am still wide-awake and it's 1:42 in the morning. I should go to sleep, but since when have I done something I should've done?

Stay Shining!!!

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