Rider X Reader (F) Continuation

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Requested and continued by 3DGYYY

Read the first part so this makes sense for you...


(Y/N) was busy sleeping comfortably in her room after "that" occurred last night at Rider's bedroom. She was just sleeping on her bed in an awkward pose until her clock rang.

"TETETETETETETETETE" (just basic alarm bell noise)

She sprang up fast and immediately reached with her arms to turn it off, until the clock wasn't turning off as usual.

"C'mon..." Tiredly mumbles (Y/N).


She was getting irritated already.

"Fuck it, I'm getting a new one."

Without second thoughts, she rushed to her bedroom window, opened it, and threw it right out like it was a clam in Clam Blitz. The clock, as a threat to her, was no more.

"Ehhh I'm sure the pack of Inklings there won't mind." She whispers to herself in the aftermath.

(Y/N) gets herself together and prepares herself with the gear she feels like wearing today. She finishes preparing herself with one goal in mind for today; Rider. She storms right out of her apartment and walks her way to Inkopolis Square.

"Oh I'm sure he's waiting for me there." She continues with her own personal thoughts for today. "Or maybe he's just busy doing his own activities and talking to others he knows..."

Twelve minutes later...

Now onto Rider's own POV, he's just chilling somewhere dark in Inkopolis Square, still thinking about what happened last night.

"Cod... she took risk just to fuck me, she legit breaks in and just... did it... and I like risk takers." He thought to himself.

He glances into the crowd and predicts that she's already here.

"Fast one, fast one indeed." He quietly whispered to himself at the sight of her.

Back to (Y/N) herself

She cheerfully stops at Inkopolis Square and starts searching for him, where he usually hangs out at.

"Oh Rider!" She exclaimed to get his attention.

"Cod fucking damn, she's already calling for me in front of a whole crowd." Whisperer Rider in a embarrassed tone.

Then like a movie, she turns her head to face Rider in a instant.

"I knew I recognize those quiet comments." Said (Y/N).

She immediately walks up to him, with a smile towards him to see him again, after what happened last night.

"Soooo I know about what I did yesterday and all but I couldn't resist myself. What if we can just-"

"No." Responded Rider, not allowing her to finish what she was saying.

"No!? C'mon, I can do anything for you. *gets on here knees and pleading with her hands* Please! I need you!" Begged (Y/N).

Everyone in the Square stopped what they were doing for a second to view her dramatic take on the response. Rider just tries to shrug it off and desperately trying to hide his embarrassed expression.

"Grrrr..." He's finally gonna accept the request, "Alright shut up, I'll pause what I had plans for today and will teach you a bit about my complex playstyle."

She gets up from her act, "you- you really mean it, like this time?"

"*sign* Yes." He calmy answered.

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