Pearl x Marina (Pearlina)

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Pearl and Marina both already had feelings for each other for a long time, but didn't have the confidence to take each other on a date or tell how they really feel about each other. That was until it was Marina's birthday and Pearl was saving a present for her... a plesent one...

We start in a birthday party hosted by Marina and Pearl where the guest (Agent 3, Agent 8, Callie, Marie, and Captain Cuttlefish... They somehow forgot about Agent 4...) where done singing happy birthday to Marina and were now going to watch Marina open up the presents she received.

They head to the living room where the presents are stacked nicely next to the couch. Callie, Marie and Agent 8 sat on the couch while Agent 3, Cuttlefish, and Pearl stood next to the couch and witness Marina grab the first present.

"Before we start, yall don't have the present that has the quality compare to mine." Announces Pearl.

"We'll see about that Pearl and please, try not to judge them. Anyways, this one is from... 8. I wonder what you got for me." Said Marina.

Marina opens it up and sees a mem cake version of herself.

"Awwww, it looks just like me but as a marketable collectable." Complemented Marina.

Agent 8 just smiles and tilts her head a bit from that response.

Marina puts the mem cake on the side and moves on to her next one.

The one she grabs comes from the other side.

"This one is a bit special, it came from Octavio." Stated Marina.

She opens it up without hesitation and receives a set of octo glasses.

"Huh, it's some glasses that he gave me, lemme try-"

Marina tried to put them on but Marie quickly rushed in to take them away.

"I heavily advise you not to, they look very similar to the ones that Callie had when she got hypnotized by him." Advised Marie.

"Uhhh thanks for the warning, so what are you going to do about them?" Questioned Marina.

"I'm going to take it somewhere far, far enough that Callie doesn't know about them mainly because she has a thing to keep putting them on." Answered Marie.

"Awww..." Commented Callie.

Marie then sat down and Marina continued to open the other presents.

Several minutes later...

"So that's all the presents and none of them were from you Pearlie." Said Marina.

Pearl quickly approached her where they were now one feet from each other.

"Ey, that was part of the plan 'Rina, I'll show you it's value." Spoke Pearl with confidence.

"Where is it?" Questioned Marina.

"Oh its right here." Answered Pearl

Right after she said her answer, Pearl instantly grabs her head and pulls her in for a kiss. All the guests dropped their jaws from the sudden surprise they witnessed.

"Welp I should've seen this coming..." Commented Cuttlefish.

Marina was blushing hard and her eyes were wide open from her present. They kept continue kissing for a bit when Pearl finally pulls away.

"I love you to the end of the world." Expressed Pearl towards Marina.

Marina stood there speechless blushing hard for a moment. Pearl finally put her hands down and walked away after giving Marina her present. Marina saw Pearl walking away and now had the concentration to say something.

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