An Agent 4 (F) and Tentacle situation

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Requested by MeatFighter123


Somewhere during the events of Hero Mode in Splatoon 2...

On the outskirts of Inkopolis, a small team of heroes is fighting against the evil forces of Octavio's Octarian Army. In a small team of heroes, I mean only Agent 4. Her mother-like figure, Marie, is only instructing her from a safe distance in Tentakeel Outpost. Right now, Four is on a mission to retrieve a captured Zapfish that is being used to power the evildoers's army.

"You're almost there, Agent 4." Said Marie with a small increase of excitement in her voice, pleased to hear (or see) Four's progress in the mission. "Just don't mess up, and you'll be fine. Like last time."

"Okie doki!" Happily responded Four, being a goofball as always. She continues swimming through the splatted obstacle until she encounters a group of Octo troopers all crowded together near the zapfish. Seeing this as an opportunity to simply smite them in one move, she activates her special ability. A Splashdown. She leaped from where she was standing, activated her move through some complicated moves, and dived right down to the Octarians. In just one move, she had completely wiped out the rest of the defenders simply by doing one trick. No wonder many Octarians hate her just because of one small trick.

"Did you hear or see that, Marie!? That was awesome!" Exclaimed Four, placing her finger on her headphones to communicate with her mother figure.

"Yes, yes, Four. I heard that. Can you please get that Zapfish free now? I want to continue searching for Callie." She graciously congratulated Four, as she has better things in mind, like, I don't know, thinking about her lost cousin that she had beaten in the finalfest some years ago.

"Oh, that's right." Four calms herself down. She blasts the shield encasing the zapfish, places her P90-looking ass weapon (Hero Shot if you were unaware) behind her back, and walks up to the zapfish, ready to free it and pose for the next mission. This is how it usually ends, but today, a group of smartasses, which are just two twintacles, surprised Four by attacking her from behind. They use their tentacles to slap her to the ground, knocking her out instantly. They had done it; the Octarians had successfully captured Agent 4. The two twintacles breathed a sign of relief, swearing that their attack might fail.

"We did it; the Inkling is down!" Exclaimed one of the twintacles.

"Shut up. You might wake her up. Now come on and help me take the Inkling back to the base."

Meanwhile, Marie overhears everything through the headphones, distressed that the squid she lured her to join her cause is now captured because of her.

"Four? Four? FOUR!? Oh no, I can't believe they got her." She walks inside her shack and, a few seconds later, walks out, decked out in full custom hero armor while holding a charger.

"I'm coming to save you!"


"Oh... what happened?" Four utters tiredly. She soon began overhearing several octarians talking to each other; she wasn't able to understand much as she was in the process of waking up. She began to feel like she was on a partially slimy surface. She rubs her eyes, and in shock and horror, she realizes she's inside an Octarian bunker, carried by a Twintacle trooper. It was old, creaky, and pretty industrial-looking with its gray hallways and white dimming lights. There are several octolings walking beside her, always keeping an eye out in case something goes wrong.

"Oh shit." She said to herself, not even freaking out about the situation, just in an underwhelmed mood. "I got captured."

"SHE'S AWAKE!" Shouted one of the rivals, pointing her octo shot straight at her face. The twintacle next to her assures them that everything will be fine.

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