Bunyip x Reader

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*cough cough*
A cart rolled through the desert, carrying valuable items.
*Galloping* *Slithering*
The cart drivers look up at a sand dune, noticing 2 masked figures glaring back at them.
*Repeater noises*
Bandit 1: "Hold on padner, I'm gonna need you to stop that cart of yours."
Cart driver: "Kiss my ass!"
Bandit 1: "I was hoping you'd say that"
The bullet strikes the spot right between the 2 drivers.
Bandit 2: "H-He's only gonna ask 1 more time"
Bandit 1: *Whisper* "C'mon, put more confidence into it."
Bandit 2: *Whisper* "I'm trying"
They look back at the cart only to see that its gone
Bandit 1: *sigh*
Bandit 2: "I-Im sorry Y/N"
Y/N: "You're fine, Weiss. Lets go home."
And so the bandit and the bunyip. Went home.

*Door opens and closes*
Weiss: *rambling* "I-Imsorryijustgetnervoussometimesand-"
Y/N turns around and-
Kisses her on the lips
Weiss: *Mm!*
They close their eyes and their kiss deepens
They finally stop kissing to breath.
Y/N: "Shush! You're fine darling."
Weiss: *quiet* "I know"
Y/N: "How about I Fuck your brains out? That cheer you up?"
Weiss: *Nod*
Y/N: "Well get your fluffy snake ass out of those clothes, ive gotta go put our guns away real quick."

*Thrusting!* *quiet Moans*
Weiss's fluffy arms grasp onto my shoulders as I repeatedly Thrust forwards.
Her snek body is coiled around me. A Bunyips muscles are strong enough to crush bone and possibly even Steel...Luckily, they use their lower half for cuddles instead.
Weiss: *quiet Moans* "K-Kissu"
She leans her head towards mine and I lean down. Our lips meet.
Her body squeezes, but not too tight, more like a warm hug.
Y/N: *Kiss* "Gosh you're-" *Kiss* "-So beautiful~❤"
Weiss: *Kiss* "And you're-" *Smooch* "-Handsome as hell~❤"
Y/N: "Ah! So you can be confident"
Weiss: *Blush* "I-umm"
Y/N: *chuckle* "I'm just messing with you," *THRUST* "mnph! I'll always love you just the way you are."
Weiss: *Bigger Blush* *Tears*
Y/N: *Stops Thrustin'* "A-Are you crying? You okay?"
Weiss: "Yes, I'm just so...So Happy!"
She lunges at me wrapping her arms around me and stuffing her face into the crook of my neck. Her lower half Coils further around me restricting my movements. Then, her lamia-half moves me, making me Thrust back in and out of her again and again and again.
Y/N: *Huff* *Puff*
Her insides grip my shaft, trying to make me orgasm as fast as possible.
A-And its working
Y/N: "A-Ahh...I think I'm gonna-"
Weiss embraces/Kisses me. Then we both reach our limits-

Her grip on me loosens and my body collapses against hers, Me face planting into her Voluptuous Breasts.
She then pats my head.
Weiss: "Comfy?"
Y/N: *Fluffy Muffled* "you're the best pillow ever"
Weiss: "mm, Love you Y/N~💘"
Y/N: *Muffled* "Love you too~💘
Weiss reaches over and grabs a blanket, drapes it over us, and I...dont fall asleep, I simply enjoy how fucking comfy my girlfriend is.
...I think I may propose to her.

I planned on writing multiple chapters today, but I underestimated how much id go 'Gah this is shit' 'nah nah nah this ideas better' Etc Etc. I put alot of thought into these chapters, and I don't want them to be shit.
Also sorry I dont write as much as I used to. It's summertime which means games go on hefty sales. Xcom2 and Ghost recon breakpoint have occupied my time. And god is it fun to turn these 'serious plots' into a fucking circus with my dumbassery.
The next chapter will probably be a Cryptid. Yeah I'm gonna drop that nugget of wisdom on you. Scp1471 probably, if not maybe a Smiler from the backrooms. Idk. Then the chapter after will be Giovanna from guilty gear.
I like keeping y'all on your toes, a human 1 chapter, a fuckin' Transformer the next. Im looking at you, Airachnid.
Anyway. Bye.

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