Giovanna x Reader

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*requested chapter*
This chapter took so long cuz I couldn't decide how I fuckin' wanted to do it...Eventually I decided to get 'creative'
*Light Buzzing*

These Piss colored walls are gross.
So 1 Saturday I was enjoying a nice nap in bed...then I woke up in a piss colored I started walking, cant seem to get out, I encountered multiple monsters along my travels(managed to kill a few too), and Ive got no clue what day it is...
Worst yet, ive yet to encounter another human being-
-Nevermind, I just crashed into someone by accident.
???: "Hey! Watch where youre going asshole!"
Y/N: "Sorry! I was lost in thought"
We both stand up
She dusts herself off
???: "Who are you anyway? You better not be 1 of those Skinstealers things."
Y/N: "I'm Y/N, also, a Fucking WHATSTEALER. Also, your name?"
???: "Giovanna. Anyway, yeah a skinstealer can disguise as a normal person, or just be a giant naked blob."
Y/N: "Oh ive been blasting those things with this shotgun I found"
*Spas12 cocking*
Giovanna: "Huh, impressive."
Gio: "Well, you dont smell like 1 of those abominations..."
*Glass Breaking*
1 of the bulbs above us abruptly breaks
Gio: *Grr* "This place is so annoying."
Y/N: "Do you wanna, I dunno, travel together?"
She looks at me after I say that.
Kinda, analyses me?
Giovanna: "Sure, why not"
Y/N: "Cool...Well..."
Theeeen a green wolf ghost appeared. Now ive seen everything.
Wolf thing: *Howls*
Giovanna: "You think we should go west?"
Wolf: *Nods*
The wolf disappears
Gio: "Rei thinks-"
Y/N: "I got it"
Giovanna: "Then onward we go"
*Fast Forward a couple days*
*Monster dying*
Y/N: "So how many monsters do you think exist in this Piss Realm?"
Gio: *Shrug*
Y/N: "What do you mean *shrug*"
Gio: *Shrug*
*another couple days past*
Y/N: "So you protect the President"
Giovanna: "Yup"
Y/N: "Like, THE President?"
Giovanna: "Mhmm"
Y/N: "...Have you been to Area 51 before?"
Giovanna: "Yes. Is surprisingly boring."
Y/N: "What do they do there?"
Giovanna: "Procrastinate"
*about a week later*
Giovanna: "Is that a Mcdonalds?"
Y/N: "Thank Fuck! I was getting hungry."
Rei: *Growling*
Giovanna: "Rei doesn't trust the food"
*About yet another week later*

As we walk through the piss hallways, You traces her right hand across the wall...
Giovanna: "Hol' Up"
I stop walking. And notice her hand is through the wall.
Y/N: "uhh..."
Gio: "A way out?"
*Distant Monster roar*
Y/N: "Let's Go"
Gio: "Please be a fucking way out"
We clip through the wall-
Y/N: "son of a-"
*Bed POMF sound*
I landed on a bed! an empty apartment from the looks-
Aaaand Giovanna clipped through the ceiling and landed on top of me.
Gio: "Ouch
Y/N: *Muffled* "You landed on someone"
Gio: "Oh shit sorry!"
She gets up off me and looks around
Gio: "Are we- Are we back on earth?"
Y/N: "I think. I'm kinda just enjoying how comfy this bed is."
Gio: "..."
Y/N: "..."
Giovanna: "You wanna Fuck?"
Y/N: *eyebrows raise* "Thats...Not what I was expecting you to say...Yes absolutely"
Giovanna: "Cool"
*Pants removing sound*
She straddles me on the bed. My erect shaft points up at her slit.
*Bed Squeek*
She puts her hands on my shoulders, and slowly lowers down onto my cock.
Gio: *Quiet Moan*
She lets out a soft moan as my lower head splits her lower lips and enters inside her.
Once she reaches the base of my cock, she rises back up, then drops back down again-
*Flashy smack*
Y/N: "Haah that feels amazing"
As she slowly picks up pace, I reach up and start unbuttoning her shirt.
Gio: "Hmm? You interested in-"
She grips her shirt and rips it open
Gio: "-These!"
My ocular organs are in awe of her Voluptuous Breasts.
Intrusive thoughts win as I reach up and start playing with her Glorious Bewbs.
Giovanna's pace quickens
*Riding* *Wet sounds* *Soft quiet moans*
Gio: *Haah* "Your cock feels awesome"
I looked at her beautiful face
Y/N: "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen"
Gio: *MajorBlush* "T-Thank you"
Y/N: "And you're even hotter when you blush!-" *MMF-*
To shut me up, she pulls my head in between her Bewbs.
Gio: "shut up handsome"
Y/N: *Thumbs up*
With my face pressed into her chest, she continues riding my cock.
Giovanna: *Breathing gets faster*
"Hah, hah, ahh, mm, ah, guh, fuck-"
Her grip on me tightens.
Gio: "I-Im gonna-"
I feel her insides tighten up around my Penis as she orgasms...
Giovanna's grip on my body loosens and I'm able to lean back and rest my head back on the pillow-
Y/N: "This pillow feels fluffier than before"
Giovanna: "its not a pillow"
I look behind me and see Rei, sleeping.
Y/N: "Oh! They make an excellent pillow goddamn"
I ly back down and rest my head on the ghost doggo.
Giovanna lifts off my cock and sits back.
Gio: "I haven't ridden dick that good since...umm...I cant remember"
She looks down at my pulsing cock
Gio: "Well it would be rude of me to leave you like that~"
*Bed squeek*
I watch as she lays on her stomach, and rests her Bewbs on my lap
Y/N: *Soft moan*
Gio squeezes her boobs together around my still erect shaft
Giovanna: "Enjoying my tits darling?~"
Y/N: *Nods* *smiles*
She moves her breasts up and down, and side to side on my penis.
*Wet Sounds*
Her breasts get lubed up by the Pre-Cum I was already leaking from before.
Y/N: *Pant* *Breathing gets heavier*
Gio: *Lick~❤!*
Y/N: "Haah~"
A shiver of pleasure shoots up my spine as she licks my Meatus
Meatus(hole of the penis) is a real scientific term. I googled it
My hips start movin' on their own as I thrust upwards into into her breasts over and over.
Giovanna: "you're desperate to cum. I can see it on your blushing face"
Y/N: *Tries to speak, but moans instead*
Giovanna: *Giggle* "Cum For Me Darling!~❤"
She SQUEEZES her boobs together on my cock as she commands me to orgasm.
And my body obeys
Y/N: *Moan!~*
I cant help but cum all over her breasts, and even some on her face...
Y/N: *Panting*
My vision re-focuses and I see Giovanna's beautiful face again.
Gio: "Did you enjoy it?~❤"
Y/N: *Nods* "You're even more beautiful while covered in seed"
Giovanna: *Blushes again* *Loses composure* *ANGY* "Eisbeuanakendhq How do you have this effect on me!?"
Y/N: *Laughs*
Giovanna: "I think Ive fallen in love with you!.."
Y/N: " that a bad thing"
Gio: "No...I just abruptly came to that realization..."
Y/N: "Ok...I love you too 💘"
Giovanna: "..."
Y/N: "..."
Gio: "..."
Y/N: "..."
Gio: "So...Boyfriend girlfriend?"
Y/N: "Hell yeah."
Giovanna: "Cool" *Smile*
*Fast forward about a couple years later*
Y/N: "-And that's how I met my wife"
Jessica: "So to recap, you fell into the Backrooms-"
Y/N: "Uh-Huh"
Jessica: "Met a secret service agent and Escaped the backrooms-"
Y/N: "Yup"
Jessica: "Had sex with a secret service agent AND received a titjob"
Y/N: "Correct"
Jessica: "And now you're married to her"
Y/N: "She's amazing"
*Abrupt Hug!*
I turn around and see-
Y/N: "Gio!"
Giovanna: "Hey babe, what're you 2 chattin' about?"
Y/N: "How you and I met."
Jessica: "Note to self: Try to clip into the Backrooms"
Sorry this chapter took so fucking long. Hope you enjoyed it!..Sorry if you didn't.
Have a nice day/night.

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