Protea x Reader (Warframe Harem)

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Yo, its the author, ive got an announcement at the end of the chapter, so stick around Plz.
*Stands up and Stretches*
I woke up having slept in the chair. After getting up and stretching, I look around and realize I cant find Valkyr, Strange...
Y/N: "What the Fuck"
I suddenly hear Valkyr's voice in my head.
Y/N: "Why can I hear you in my brain And where are you anyway?"
Valkyr: " not sure how to explain this other that having you look Downward."
Y/N: "Down?-...oh"
I look down and...IM VALKYR?
Or I'm in her body? When I was speaking I even sounded like her? What the McFuck-
Valkyr: 'CALM DOWN.......ok...lemme explain, When we copulated last night, it formed a bond/connection between us. A connection that allows a Human such as yourself to Possess my body and control me...'
Y/N: "How does any of that make sense? I'm you right now."
Valkyr: 'Correct. For context, it is common for a 'Tenno' to Control Warframes. But...A Tenno usually needs some sorta machinery to do so, But for a pure Human...Theory, When a Human mates with a frame, it allows them to Control said frame much like a Tenno does...ERROR, more Data required for definitive answer.'
Y/N: "And...if I focus hard enough I'd pop outta you like a spirit and be Human again?"
Valkyr: 'probably. Apologies, but my knowledge is limited by educated guesses and knowledge left in my Database'
Y/N: "This whole situation is weird-" *BANG*
The ship suddenly shakes violently as
I look out the windshield and see a big ass ship HEADING STRAIGHT FOR US-

When I eventually come to, I look around and see im still in the ship, it's intact from what I can see...but we've crashed onto the bigger ship...shit, mine as well hop out and explore.
Y/N: "Well Valk, I guess I'll see how badass you really are."
Valk: *Giggle* 'have fun with my powers.'

After walking around for awhile, I kept passing by these Golden-Hands, most had a terminal infront of them, but needed some sorta arcade token or some shit.
???: "Ah! Who are you!"
I turn around and see some guy with a bag full of tokens.
???: "Ah! A Tenno!"
He immediately runs away...until I snag his leg with Valks Grapple Hook and pull him back
???: "No! No! You'll never get me-" *Gunshot*
I loot the bag off his lifeless body
Y/N: "Dumbass"
I walk back to the terminal and insert a token expecting a fun little game.
Y/N: "Heh, wonder if they still got PAC-MAN in the future-"
*Looks around* "Son of a- Where am I NOW?"
I look around and everything's all rocky 'n' shitty.
In the distance on the biggest rock here is a platform with some dead bodies and someone sitting Meditation style, welp, mine as well say Hello.
*a Hop, a Skip, and a Jump*
I made it on the biggest rock and walked up to the person. Being close enough now, I can deduce this is another WarFrame, being all Robotic 'n' shit.
Y/N: "Yo"
She silently looks up at me
Robot: "Hello"
Y/N: "Whatcha uhh, whatcha doin'?"
Robot: "Waiting"
Y/N: "For whaaaat?"
Robot: "...not sure"
Y/N: "Wanna come adventure with me?"
Robot: "Sure, beats sitting here doing nothing. Im Protea by the way."
Y/N: "Lovely name, I'm-"
Protea: "Valkyr"
I kinda forgot I was controlling a Deathbot
Y/N: "Well...yes but actually no, I'm Y/N, the dude puppeteering this WarMachine."
Protea: "Tenno?"
Y/N: "Nope, Human."
Protea: ".........I thought they went extinct........I shall come with you."
Y/N: "cool, there a way off this rock?"
Protea: "Yes, the way off happens to be Me, just let me-"
She flicks her Goggle-thing down for a sec and-
Y/N: "Heh, I wonder if they still got"
I look around and I'm back in the big ship, except now Protea's standing next to me.
Protea: "ugh, Corpus ship, you have your own ship right? Shall we depart."
Y/N: "yep, let's get outta here."

"1.2.3.PUSH!" We push the orbiter out of the wreckage like its an old truck stuck in the mud.
It begins floating out into space but we luckily hoped on-board before it left.

I plopped down on the couch I stole on my way out and just chill.
Protea sits next to me: "So, mind if I see this Human you Speak of?"
I stand back up "oh right, umm, not sure how to exit...hmm" maybe if I just focus real hard-
*spiritual Noise* *Thud*
I fell on the floor, but my hands stopped my fall. Speaking of, my hands are flesh and blood again, so I think it worked...or something.
Protea speeks as I stand up: "Fascinating, all my records state that Humans went extinct, and that Tenno were the closest thing to a Human around...and yet, here you stand."
Y/N: " what now?"
Protea: "Well if I'm going to travel with you, we mine as well form a Link so you can access my powers. So get into whatever machinery you need to do so."
Valk and I look at each other debating who should tell her...
Y/N: "Yeah...about that"
Valk had left the room to give us privacy.
Protea was now lying on the couch on her stomache and her rump up.
I had climbed on top of her, my dick was inches away from her wet entrance that was leaking...Oil?
Y/N: "Sorry about this."
Protea: "Don't be, I decided to adventure with you for some excitement, and well this is like the definition of exciting. So put it in already!"
Protea: "AH!"
I catch her by surprise by thrusting my entire shaft inside her, then begin pounding away at her insides.
Y/N: *ha* *ha* *ha* "this isnt too rough for you right?"
Protea: *Moan* "I'd say your not being rough enough, Put your damn heart into it!"
Y/N: "As you!- *POUND* -Wish!"
*POUNDING* *Robo-Moans* *wet slapping*
Valkyr POV
"Damn, they're REALLY going at it hard...Master better save some stamina for me cuz my fingers just aren't cutting it."
Y/N: "Ah, Fuck, your so tight!"
Protea: "Your so Big! Cum your brains out inside of me!"
Y/N: "Yeah, I'm about to, Ehh"
My Dick feels like it could burst at any second
She then reached back and grabs my hips, manually pulling me DEEP inside her. It's at that point that we both Climax
I pull out and lay down next to her
Protea: *pant* "Link established"
Y/N: "cool, *pant* sometimes I wish sex would never end"
Protea: *Giggle*
She straddles me: "It doesn't have to"
*Flicks Goggles*

I pull out and lay down next to herProtea: *pant* "Link established"Y/N: "cool, *pant* sometimes I wish sex would never end"Protea: *Giggle* She straddles me: "It doesn't have to"*Flicks Goggles**REWIND NOISE*

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Hello Hello, it's ya Boi Camelot.
You may have noticed >(WarFrame Harem) in the Title. Well that's because I'm gonna make these Warframe chapters into a little Mini-series. Following the same plotline as you make a Robo-Harem.
Of course there's still gonna be normal chapters as well, like Ogre x Reader that just went up with this chapter.
But anyway, That's about it, Seeya

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