Fem Red-Hood x Reader

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Generic Gotham Warehouse

Goon: "-So he says, 'what are you gonna do? Stab me?' The smug son-of-a-bitch, he wasn't very smug after I lodged my knife in his gut!"
Goon 2: *Laughs* "Hey, that reminds me of this 1 guy I met-"
*Glass breaks*
Goon 2: "What the Hell?-"
He gets decked in the face by a hooded Vigilante
Goon: "it's Batman!- no wait!"
Goon: *Dies*
She picks a note out of the first goons pocket
She opens it
Note: "Tweedle Dee and Twaddle Dum SAW it, can you SEE it?????"
Red Hood: "umm, See-Saw?"
She looks around and sees a conviently placed See-Saw in the corner
Red Hood: "Welp, the next clue to finding this fucker should be around there, I swear when I catch you Riddler, I'm putting way more Bullets in you than is required."
She walks over and looks around the see-saw looking for any clues
After finding nothing, she stands up and turns around confused-
Red: "GAH!"
She clutches her chest and sees a growing blood stain.
She looks up from where the shot came from
Riddler with a 50.Cal: *Waves* "Too slow Not-Batman! If you ever wish to catch me, you'll have to pick up the pace-"
*Bullet dings off railing*
Riddler: "Uh-Oh! I'll be taking my leave then!"
He runs off as Red stands back up and grabs her grapple gun.
She grapples to the roof and looks around, yet finds no sign of the Question mark fucker.
Red: "Damn, little shit is quicker than I thought...*Looks at bullet wound* I better deal with this and call it a night."

*Chips munch*
Obi-Wan: "Its over Anakin! I have the high ground!"
Anakin: "You underestimate my power!"
Obi-Wan: "Don't try it."
Y/N: "Why do I keep rewatching old movies?......*Chip Crumch*
*Window opens*
*Quiet Footsteps*
*Quiet Footsteps*
Y/N: "I can hear you back there, Jacky Todd."
Red: *Sigh* "Dammit"
I sit up and look at her
Y/N: "Rough night?"
Red: "You could say that. I'll be in the bathroom for a while, *points to wound* fixing this."
Y/N: "Alrighty, yell if you need me, Darling."
Red: "Yup"

*Bathroom door opens*
She comes over and sits down next to me on the couch.
The wound in her chest was bandaged up n stuff. To not mess with it, she decided to uuuuhhhh go topless for the rest of the night as we chilled out on the couch.
Not that I cared of course.
Y/N: "So anything new?"
Red: "Oh y'Know, shot alotta Murderers, shut down some of penguins warehouses, had a fist fight with Batman, aaand got shot by Riddler."
Y/N: "You alright Red?"
Red: "yep, tis but a scratch."
Y/N: "Why you still wearing your helmet?"
Red: "I am? Didnt notice"
I get closer to her and turn her head towards me
Gently gripping both sides of the Red Helmet I take it off her head
Y/N: "There we go, there's the pretty face I know and love~❤"
Red: "heh, surprised you do with all the scars and, *Motions to the 'J' burned into her face* this"
Y/N: "I think the scars add to the beauty."
Red: "huh...thanks."
Y/N: "Now-"
I turn my body towards her and lean closer
She turns as well until she's facing me in return, with me between her legs.
Y/N: "-you've had quite the long night. Shall I help you unwind~"
Red: "Of course~"
She reaches for my Belt as I reach for hers...

*slow thrust*
Red: "mmmm"
Y/N: *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust*
As I thrust in and out of her, I use 1 hand to grope her tits, and the other to feel up her abs.
I can see her muscles relaxing as I thrust, her scarred yet athletic body finally getting to rest for once.
Red: "mmmm...Faster"
Y/N: "Alright" *Speeds up*
I lean forward and put my hands on the couch armrest her Head is resting on.
*Thrusting* *Moans*
Red: "*Ah* *Ah* *Ah* *Ah*"
Red moans to the beat of my thrusts
Y/N: *Kiss~❤*
I leaned down and kissed her deeply
Red: *Muffled* "*mm* *mm* *mm* *mm*"
Eventually I thrust DEEP inside her-
Red: "*MM!"*
-and feel Red Climax as her body shakes and shivers.
*Breaks Kiss* *Catching breath*
Red: "f-fuucckk"
Y/N: "Relaxed now?"
Red: "yeah...thanks babe"
Y/N: "No Problem"
I pull out and sit down on the other side of the couch.
I'm about to put my pants back on when I feel sudden pressure on my Penis. I look down and see-
Red: "Hey~💋"
-Red had my dick between her Breasts
Red kisses the Tip, then says: "You relieved me of my stress, yet didn't get to relieve any of your stress...so I decided to do it~❤"
Y/N: "well I aint gonna say no"
Red then looks down at my cock between her boobs, then squeezes them together on my cock.
*Wet sounds* *Moans* *Skin slapping sound*
Y/N: "F-Fuck, babe, your tits are amazing."
Red: "Heh, I know"
I had laid down with my head resting on a pillow. I watch as her breasts rise and drop, squeeze together, go back and forth, ETC.
It's mesmerizing...ffuucckk.
Y/N: "guh, b-babe, I think I'm gonna cum soon"
Red: "Good"
She leans in and puts the Tip in her mouth. Her tongue circles tip entrance.
Y/N: "F-Fuck!"
Red: "*mmph!..mm"*
Y/N: *Panting*
My Cum has been sprayed all over her breasts and inside her mouth.
Red gets up off my dick
Red: "hmph, made quite the mess of my tits."
Y/N: "Yeah, sorry about that"
Red: "Your fine...its evidence of your love for me anyway~❤"
She gets up off the couch
Red: "Plus, I'm due for a shower anyway"
Red: "Feel free to join me, Darling~❤"
Y/N: "ofcourse I will~❤"

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