Inari x Pirate-Captain Reader

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*Ocean Waves*

I slowly open my eyes, but shut them again as the sun is blinding.
I turn my head to the side and open them.
Sand...alotta Sand and washed up wood.
I sit up
*Back cracking*
Y/N: "Ah Fuck me"
My eyes adjust to the light and I look around, Im on a beach. Out in the water is the destroyed wreckage of my Ship, part of it still on fire ...and it's all its crew are dead I presume...
Y/N: *Sigh*
I stand up and hear many more joints cracking, I dust myself off wiping a bunch of gunk off my coat and fixing my hat. Looking around, I find that both my sword and blunderbuss have washed up on the beach.
Picking them up, I wipe as much gunk off them as I can before putting my sword in its sheath and my gun in its holster.
Y/N: "Hmm, what now?"
I start walking down the beach until EVENTUALLY I find a path that leads into the forest.
Y/N: "strange path that leads to God knows where...Fuck it."
I start walking down the path...

After walking for what feels like an hour, I finally find some structures. It's one of those like, gateways or whatever them Zipangu folk tend to build.
Walking a bit further. I come across a shrine area of statues all around. I walk up to 1 of the alters
"Someone new visits the shrine"
I whip 'round to the voice. Infront of me is a woman who's noticeably shorter than me (like to my shoulder height), she has...Fox ears? And a Tail? (Quite a fluffy one). She's dressed like a shrine maiden...probably is one, duh.

???: "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you sir

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???: "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you sir."
I calm down "Ah your fine, I hope im not trespassing"
???: "No your fine, this is a public shrine."
Y/N: "arr ok...oh I'm Y/N by the way"
???: *cute Fox noise* "Thats a nice name, Im Vicky."
Y/N: "Well hello Vicky...*looks around* is there anyone else around here?"
She steps back and looks at some of the statues
Vicky: " one's been around here for...centuries I believe. You are the first Soul to step foot on these grounds."
I start feeling uncomfortable, like I'm spoiling these sacred grounds with my criminal presence.
She turns her head and looks at me.
Vicky: "You do not come intentionally"
Y/N: "Umm, yeah, I got stranded after my Ship-"
Vicky: *cuts me off* "Was taken out by a Royal-Navy-PirateHunter. The Legendary Captain IronBlade was it?"
Y/N: *Nods* "I am IronBlade ☠ yes"
Vicky: "Don't fret...your criminal status concerns me not."
She turns her body towards me and walks back over to me.
Vicky: "I live in a house not to far from here. You may stay there with me until your comrades notice your absence and come to rescue you."
Y/N: "I thank you for the offer ma'am, but I couldn't possibly-"
Suddenly her eyes glow a bit
Vicky: "I insist, you may stay with me~"
I feel compelled by something to agree
Y/N: "Ok, I'll stay until my Fleet arrives"
Vicky: "Good ;) Now please follow me sir"
Y/N: "Lead the way."

*Door opening and closing*
Vicky: "Make yourself at home"
I take my boots off at the door and put my coat on the coat rack.
I sit down on her couch.
She sits next to me...we both eye the Chess board on the table.
Y/N: "Thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
Vicky: "Battle of the minds?"
Y/N: "A Pirate that surprising literate VS a centuries old Fox. Lets go!"

*A Couple Chess games later*
Score -
Vicky: 8
Y/N: 2
Y/N: "Damn, beat me again."
Vicky: *Fox Noise* "don't put yourself down, you did beat me twice. Which is a record for how many times 1 person has beaten me."
I stand up and stretch and look out the window- "Oh it's night-time now"
Vicky stands up next to me
Vicky: "Yes, so it is..."
I turn and look at her
We make eye-contact, when suddenly her eyes begin to glow again
Vicky: "I think you should 'Reward' me for my victory~"
My mind gets foggy and my sight gets tunnel-like, all I can perceive is the adorable Mamano infront of me.
Vicky: "Shall we go to the bedroom?"
I don't say anything, but simply put a hand on her shoulder, then my vision goes black.
I quickly blink the darkness out of my vision
Vicky: "Woah, Its much Bigger than I thought"
I look around and I'm on a bed naked She's currently straddling me (also naked), hovering over my Towering erection.
Y/N: "Vicky? How did I get here?"
Vicky: "Umm, we walked here? C'mon dummy. Lemme put you in"
I sit up and begin pushing her off me
Y/N: "But we just met, isn't this too soon?"
Vicky: *sigh* "Y/N"
Y/N: "Yes?"
Vicky: "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't wish to proceed"
I look into her glow like the previous times.
I ask myself if I want this...
I lay back down on the bed and get comfortable
Vicky smiles "I'll take that as a yes" :)
I angle my Penis towards her entrance and she slowly lowers down on it.
Vicky: " big"
She's really tight
She begins rising and lowering, gradually increasing speed until full blown riding me.
*Moans* *Cute Fox noises* *Wet noises*
I reach up and grab Vickies Breasts
Vicky: "*!* Oh, you like them? They arent too small are they?"
Y/N: "Small? *Ah* nonsense!"
Vicky smiles at what I said
Vicky: "Then feel free to grope them to your hearts content :)"
*Both Moaning*
Vicky suddenly begins tearing up
Y/N: "y-your crying, love are you a-alright?"
Vicky: "their tears of joy! I havent copulated with a man in over 2 Centuries."
Y/N: "lemme make you a bit happier"
Vicky: *confused fox noise*
I reach up, grab her, then flip us over so I'm on top.
Vicky: "b-be gentle, ok"
Y/N: "Oh course, love ❤"
I lean in and kiss her while I begin thrusting inside of her.
*Kissing ❤* *Muffled Moans* *Thrusts*
Eventually I break the kiss so I can thrust deeper and faster. Vicky puts her hands on my chest and abs feeling them up.
*Both getting closer*
Vickies tail coils around me leg and her Vagina continues to moisten as she's reaching her limit, but I'm about to reach mine as well.
Vicky: "y-y/n, Cum inside me!"
Y/N: "Arr, ok!"
*Both Moan* *CLIMAXING*
My eyes unfocus as I paint her insides white with my special-sauce.
My eyes focus again as I see Vicky in ecstasy, her tongue is hanging out, eyes rolled back, panting breath, Holding up 2 Peace-signs ✌
Full Ahegao.
I think I broke her...
I'm gonna pet her Fluffy ears
Vicky: "That...was amazing"
Her tongue returns to her smiling mouth, Her eyes look into mine and her breathing goes to normal.
Vicky: "I haven't been desired as a Woman in forever...I don't want this feeling to end."
Y/N: "I doesn't have to."
Vicky: "Hmm?"
Y/N: "You could join me on my Ship as my Wife when my comrades arrive."
Vicky: "Pirate life? Sounds way more interesting than being grounds keeper for a shrine that no-one knows exists. I Shall join you, Husband. ❤"
Vicky: "but until they get here, Keep pouring your seed into me!"

[About 2 weeks later]
I look out into the ocean and reflect on last week.
1 week after being ship-wrecked, my Fleet arrived and picked me and Vicky up. She fits into the crew quite well, everyone respects her.
Some had they're doubts that she'd be a good Pirate, but then she started using some strange magic to point out if an island we pass has buried treasure on it, or if a merchant ship we pass has worthwhile loot on board. The increase in gold and loot wiped out any doubts crewmembers may have had.
She also ditched the Shrine outfit for a more fitting outfit, even wearing a coat and hat that matches mine.
As for me, a night doesn't pass without my Penis getting 'wet.'
An interesting thing to Note, when I met her she had 1 fluffy she has 5 fluffy tails...she told me that she can grow up to 9, but hasnt told me what causes them to grow.
But I have my suspicions~❤

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