Death-Angel x Reader

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Does this count as a Halloween upload? No? Damn.

I walk past the Wrecked police car, its distorted siren still blaring.
Walking past it I get closer to the back of the Supermarket. There's several shipping containers outside, all unopened. But they have symbols on them so I can tell they most likely have Food inside.

*Container squeak*
I try to open the container as quietly as I can. Hopefully the police siren will drown out the sound of these damn doors.
Getting inside, theirs many crates with the logo of a local Meat plant.
Y/N: *Thinking* 'Score! Food!'
Gripping my Crowbar, I remove the lid-
*Wood Thud*
I only meant to slide the lid off a little, the the damn thing fell off the box entirely and made a thud againts the metal shipping containers floor.
Y/N: *Whisper* "Fuck"
The police siren abruptly stops as what I assume is one of those creatures stepped on it.
*Another Thud*
Quickly thinking, I grab a thick slab a beef and turn around.
There it is. Right in the entrance of the container. Looking right back at me, or well, it would be, but these 'Death-Angels' (As I've heard other survivors call them) don't have eyes.
I reach my arm out, beef in hand, hoping it'll eat the meat and not me.
It slowly walks into the container and towards me, it sniff the air as it goes, (im not sire if its aware of my presents yet).

Finally the creature reaches me.
It makes a-*strange noise* before 'looking' down at the meat in my hands, it leans down and- *Bite*
Starts chowing down on the large uncooked steak.
I assume im gonna die here, so you know what? Fuck it
I'm gonna pet it...

As it eats out of my left hand, I slowly reach my right hand towards is head. Then finally, Contact is made.
It flinched and stops eating for a second, seemingly confused. But to my amazing surprise. It leans into my touch as I pat its head...
After the beast finished consuming the meat in my hand, it sat down. looked at me, and made some weird purring noise. Its weirdly cute....
I wonder if this is how early man tamed wolves?

*1 month later*
I strolled through the ruins of Los Angeles with a nailed baseball bat. Making sure to keep relatively quiet, but then-
???: "Hey dickhead"
I turn around to see some idiot Raiders.
Raider: "Gimme your loot, and we wont have to bludgeon you to death"
The Raiders all strike *Ahem* 'Threatening' poses with their melee weapons.
Y/N: "I don't have time for this bullshit"
With my Bat, I Tap th3 ground 3 times
*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*
Raider: "The Fuck was that? Some sorta signal?"
Y/N: "You could say that...your about to meet Kat"
Raider: "Kat?"
I step back as my friend shows up-
*Death-Angel Shreak*
Raider: "SHI-SHIT MAN!"
I close my eyes as I hear the raiders get ripped apart by Kat
When the sounds stop, I open my eyes and see then lifeless bodies of the raiders on the road, and to my right, is the bloodied Alien with a spiked collar on(so I can differentiate it from the others), obediently waiting at its Masters side.
Y'see, I think this creature and I must've Pack-Bonded or something, with it recognizing me as its Alpha.
How the Fuck that happened im not sure, but I wont question it.

I stare aimlessly into the campfire as Kat chomps down on a wolf she killed and I cooked for her.
I snap out of my thoughts as I gotta piss, so I get up, walk over to a nearby bush, pull my pants down and let the golden shower flow.
I close my eyes as I let the relieve of emptying my bladder wash over me.
When my Dick finally stops gushing piss, I open my eyes and- "What the-"
See Kat had wrapped her tongue around it!
I try to back up but her claws reach around me and hold me in place.
I watch as her tongue Jerks me off...Fuck, this feels pretty good.
It doesn't help that I havent had a wank nor sex since the world kinda ended, so balls are pretty pent up you could say.
I lean back, letting my body relax as her claws to keep me standing upright.
*Wet sounds* *Jerking* *Purring*
She softly purrs as her tongue speeds up- "Holy Shit this feels good"
It doesnt take long for the pleasure to be too much and I end up- "Mm, Fuck!" Climaxing, sending ropes of cum onto her alien face and in her mouth.
Her claws let go as I collapse to the ground.
*Steps* it stands over me, it's sharp claws flanking both sides of my head.
Its lower half lowers down, Part of its impenetrable armor around its...'Groin region' spread apart revealing its...Alien Vagina?
I'm not left Time to think about that as it lowers down onto my Penis
Y/N: "W-woah! Tight!"
Kat: *Roar*
She roars as she takes in my soft member all the way to the base.
We then just kinda, sit there...I expected her to start going up and down, but instead seems very confused on what to do...must be a Virgin
I grip her hips and start thrusting up into her over and over.
Her front-end claws give out due to pleasure and she collapses onto me.
Quickly Adjusting my position, I wrap my right arm around her in a sorta hug, while my left hand grips her hip as I still thrust, just at an even faster pace now.
She lets out several unintelligible noises as my attempt to keep my moans under control fail.
Finally, she lifts her head up towards the sky as I thrust a final time
Y/N: *Moan*
Kat: *ROAR*
As we both climax...

Her body collapses against mine as I think I hear her sleeping soundly. I lift her torso off my Shaft as my cock flops out.
*Thud* *Thud*
Looking upwards, I see 2 Death-Angels perched on an overturned Bus, each with the armor around their groins spread apart...

*a couple days later*
So I was exploring the city with my 3 Death-Angels-
I havent actually seen the movie 'A Quiet Place' but its monster looks cool. So I thought, "So...what if you Fucked one?"
And here we are.


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