CT: Chapter 20 "Mad World"

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C sits against the wall of his cell with his wrists tied to wall behind him. His blood leaks from his wrists and water falls from the leaking ceiling onto his naked body. He stares at the ground in front of him and sighs silently. His ears twitch as he hears an all to familiar sound approaching, footsteps, but not normal footsteps instead they skip and hop along towards his cell. The door is thrown open throwing light from the hallway into the otherwise dark cell. Nui Harime stands in the doorway with her fake sweet smile. "Hey love. Time for tests! You gonna come quietly or fight back?" C doesn't respond and instead stands up straight. His eyes glare at Nui as her eye traces up and down his nude body. C pulls his restraints off and holds his wrists together in front of him. A scientist steps past Nui and places shackles on C's wrists before walking it with him following behind. Nui clicks her tongue in dissatisfaction, but smirks evilly as she slaps C's ass to try and get a reaction, but he merely scoffs in annoyance. She smiles satisfied about the slight rise she got and escorts them to the lab. Once inside, C is placed into a chair with Nui and the scientist behind a window in a control room. "So do tell, what's today's test?"

"Molten metal." The scientist pulls a lever making a vat come from the ceiling above C. Nui smirks and stops the scientist from pressing the release button and instead doing it herself. The red hot steel empties onto C making him grit his teeth, but he doesn't cry out. He clenches his fist as his body and blood shift into metal themselves to negate the effects. He relaxes as the metal slips off him and onto the floor. The scientist jots down notes as Nui crosses her arms while looking at C.

"Really? Not even a scream." The scientist looks at Nui out the corner of her eye before shaking her head and continuing to write as the door behind them opens.

"Please, Nui dear. The goal isn't to cause pain, but to learn from our prince here." Ragyo steps beside the scientist and looks to her. "What have we learned?"

"His resistance and adaptability is extraordinary. His brain patterns indicate that be does feel pain at an extreme rate, but he simply doesn't care. Instead pain seems to motivate his muscles and stimulates parts of the brain dedicated to complex thoughts and problem solving. Specifically his prefrontal cortex, or as it's commonly known as, the frontal lobe. The blood in his body seems to be responsible for his incredible resistance to all elements we've put him against."

"Is there anyway we can apply this knowledge to the covers?"

"At the moment, no ma'am. His blood is incredibly toxic to living beings. If applied to a cover with a host, the host dies and the cover burns up from the inside. When applied to an empty cover they start showing resistances and autonomy without a host."

"Then what's the issue?"

"The blood isn't a permanent solution, the covers drink it and the autonomy ends along with the cover. When the blood leaves the cover it loses all integrital structure and turns to strands."

"Then keep them fed."

"We can't ma'am. His blood only keeps for an hour after being separated from him."

"And the Kamui tests?"

"His fortitude is simply too much for any of the Kamuis we've applied to him to hold him down." Ragyo chuckles.

"Then simply find another way. Observe." She leaves the room and walks into the testing chamber. She walks behind C with a rainbow thread in between her fingers. "My dear prince, if you just cooperated then these tests would end." C doesn't respond as Ragyo places her hands on his neck before trailing her fingers up to his head. The thread travels into his head, and he starts trying to escape her grip.

"Stay out of my head."

"I'm not trying to mind stitch you. That obviously won't work. So tell me more about you." The thread begins glowing brightly as C's eyes and Ragyo's eyes do the same. He struggles more before stopping making Ragyo smirk. "So that's what you desire. I can work with this. Hoomaru." Said woman walks in, and Ragyo pulls C's head up to look at her. The rainbow glow moves into his irises and he lets out a shaky breath.

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