CT: Chapter 22 "Never Be Alone"

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Everyone yells as they storm into the academy with C, Ohma, Ryuko, and Satsuki taking the fight to Ragyo Kiryuin as everyone else works on destroying the transmitter which is being protected by a high velocity Life Fiber jammer. Satsuki stabs her mother in both her hands, but she simply closes them destroying what remains of Bakuzan. Ragyo capitalizes on Satsuki's surprise by punching her in the face. Ryuko tries to decapitate Nui, but she blocks with her new hands that are as hard as Ryuko's scissor blades. C goes to stab Nui in the back, but she dodges at the last minute. C flips his blades in to a reverse grip to avoid stabbing Ryuko before turning to glare at Nui and Ragyo. Ragyo scoffs at their attempts to attack her. "Enough of these distractions. Now, allow me to show you who the master is." Ragyo's Kamui, which is a massive white robe with a hood suddenly sprouts multiple eyes with a rainbow glow from out the back. The light blinds everyone and forces Ohma to get behind a piece of rubble as his skin is burned. Everyone's Goku uniforms and Kamuis suddenly deactivate. "Shinra-Koketsu. Absolute Submission." Ryuko looks down at Senketsu while grunting in pain.

"What's wrong, Senketsu?"

"I have no strength. That light is paralyzing me with fear." Ragyo smiles evilly.

"Shinra-Koketsu was designed to be the master of all Life Fibers. Those that rebel against it tremble in fear and are rendered powerless. This is Absolute Submission." C scoffs.

"You can't just lay off the creepy sexual talk for five minutes, can you?" Ragyo doesn't respond and instead snaps her fingers making the transmitter open up at the base revealing projectors. Images are projected on the Academy's walls showing different cities across the globe.

"Here is the world seen via our satellite. Look at all those people. Everyone of them wears REVOCs clothing. When I unleash the power of Absolute Submission upon the world, the dormant Life Fibers in their clothing will awaken. Every human will be swallowed by their clothing, and the earth will be covered in a single piece of cloth. New Life Fibers will be born inside this cocoon sphere, and when the planet explodes, they will scatter across the cosmos." C sees Ohma holding a ball of shadows that start becoming darker and darker. He mouths to C.

"Buy me some time." C gives a slight nod before looking back towards Ragyo.

"What do you gain from this?! You'll die right alongside the rest of humanity!"

"You think that is some kind of revelation? This was always what humanity is destined for! The will of the Life Fibers must be done!" C growls in annoyance.

"You're wrong! Your crackpot beliefs don't make any damn sense! I've seen countless worlds with humans and never have I encountered Life Fibers! You're just playing host to a damn parasite!"

"Yes I've seen your memories through my threads. Which is why with your blood in the Cocoon Sphere Genesis, the Life Fibers will spread from this universe to countless more! My goals were too small before, but with you my dear boy, I've recognized my true purpose!"

"You're completely insane. If you're that adamant about this, then I'll just have to cut you down before you have a chance to commit genocide."

"My prince, this is how the universe works, and you no longer have any means of opposing me." Ohma coats himself in shadows so dark they suck the very light out of the air. He gives C a thumbs up, making him smirk.

"I wouldn't be so sure, we're never out of options!" Ohma bursts from behind the rubble and slams his fists into Nui and Ragyo pushing them back. He looks back at C.

"I can only hold this together for sixty seconds at most!"

"Then it sounds like it's time to kick this shit into maximum overdrive!" C rushes towards Nui as she jumps back up. Ohma rushes Ragyo  as she makes a bright light in her hand.

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