SP: Chapter 8 "Sixteen Tons"

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The now fourteen year old C lays in a tree listening to a song through his headphones. He smirks to himself while listening to his own voice and the voice of Weiss Schnee singing said song. He thinks back to the night he met her as he stares up at the sunlight from the mid afternoon sun as it peeks through the canopy with a gentle breeze coming through the trees.


C leans against a pillar while the after-party is in full swing. He adjusts his tie while snagging a soda off a waiter's tray. He sips the drink as someone suddenly puts their arm on his shoulder. "And this guy just comes backstage and takes the entire show by storm!" C looks at the person and notices she's the guitarist of The Pack. C smirks and pulls her arm off of him, which is incredibly easy now that he's well over six feet tall.

"Yeah, yeah. I singlehandedly saved your mundane career." She punches him in the chest as the people she is talking to laugh.

"I didn't say that! We were the highest grossing pure faunus band ever!"

"And yet you tripled in profit after my inclusion." She rolls her eyes and goes back to talking to the people she walked up with. A man in a white suit with white hair and blue eyes walks up to C. "Hello?"

"My name is Jacques Schnee, and to put it simply I'd like to hire you."

"Hire me? What for? I don't think I'll be extremely helpful for your dust company."

"I want to hire you to help my daughter in her music career. You won several awards tonight, and I think you'd be perfect for writing her music while she can focus on inheriting the SDC."

"Mhmm. So what's in it for me?"

"Obviously you'd be financially compensated, twenty thousand for each song, but you'd be limited to only writing for my daughter."

"Ooo and there it is, the straw that breaks the camel's back. I don't like being told what I can do, and besides I like being on the stage. I appreciate the offer, but it just isn't for me."

"A hundred thousand per song."

"It's not about the money, Mister Schnee. Besides, I don't write often, and music isn't my top priority. Thank you for the offer. Have a nice night." C walks away from Jacques and towards the open bar where he gets a whiskey. He thanks his height for being able to get one without being IDed. As he finishes his drink, a petite white haired girl with blue eyes in a white dress walks up to him.

"Are you C Rose?"

"That'd be me. Weiss Schnee, right? Congrats on winning song of the year."

"Congrats on winning writer and male artist of the year." There is an awkward silence between them as C gets another whiskey. "Aren't you a bit young to be drinking?" C places a finger against his lips and winks at Weiss.

"Keep it a secret. If everyone else can drink, so can I. Besides if the barkeep isn't smart enough to check my age then, screw it." Weiss isn't impressed in the slightest by the giant male in front of her.


"So what can I do you for?"

"My father talked to you earlier, didn't he?" C tsks his tounge.

"Yes. He did. He offered for me to become your and only your songwriter."

"And what did you say?"

"I told him I wasn't interested. I like the way I do my music, and I don't want to be forced to write for someone I don't know. Besides, I've seen your songs, they come from your heart. If I was to write for you we'd both lose individuality as artists. You're doing just fine on your own." Weiss smiles at him.

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