CT: Chapter 6 "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing"

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A loud siren echoes through the otherwise silent early morning air above Honno City. C wakes up and quickly realizes that however it was he slept, was possibly the worst mistake he ever made because the crick in his neck is awful. He sighs and rubs his neck before realizing that he is sitting up on the couch and Ryuko is laying down with her feet on his lap and the TV is playing the credits to some show they were watching. He doesn't remember exact details, but it was something about samurais and demons. He shrugs and Ryuko turns in her sleep before kicking him in the ribs hard. "Ah! Damnit Matoi! Ow."

"Hit snooze!"

"Firstly, it ain't an alarm. Secondly, I would if I could. Thirdly, get off me and I'll see what's happening." She curls up and he sighs as he gets up off the couch. He throws himself out the window and jumps towards the sound. He eventually spots Gamagoori sitting on an object best described as a parade float. He lands behind Gamagoori making the big man turn and face him. "Hello, Disciplinary Committee Chair."

"Hello, Renegade."

"Hell of a nickname, I'll take it. So what's the racket about? It interrupted my sleep."

"Today is No Tardies Day. Any student even a second late will be expelled. Better get a move on." Gamagoori turns around.

"Challenge accepted." C teleports away and Gamagoori turns around to see him gone. C hops back into the window and heads to the kitchen. He comes back with bacon, eggs, toast, and a cup of coffee. He grabs a pillow and smacks Ryuko with it making her sit up in a hurry and glare at him. "Get up. If we're late, we'll be expelled. Eat breakfast, and let's get a move on." He walks to kitchen opening the closet and then the dryer. He throws his uniform on and then tosses Senketsu and Ryuko's underwear onto the couch beside her as she quickly munches breakfast down. C eats his plate of food, and then chugs the rest of the pot of coffee and yells out in excitement. Ryuko runs out the door with her case on her back and Senketsu on. C steps out and closes the door. He jumps forward and lands beside Ryuko. "You think Mako will be alright?" They both share a look before turning around and heading to the no star slums. Once there they spot Mako following a trail of cheese. She steps under a basket, but Ryuko rushes forward and pushes her out the way only to have a cake land on her face covering it in frosting. She stands up and Mako and C share a look. C swipes a finger across Ryuko's cheek before popping the frosting into his mouth. "Mmm. Vanilla." He tightens his right hand into a fist making the ring glow and a ball of water rush over Ryuko's face. It pulls off her leaving her clean and dry.

"Oh that's cool."

"C'mon guys if we're late, we'll be expelled!"

"We know Mako. C let's get a-" She's cut off by someone bumping into her and screaming. Said someone is a no star student with her arm in a cast and glasses on her face. "Oh sorry."

"Ryuko it's our classmate, Maiko Ogure!"

"You're the exchange students, Matoi and... what was your last name again?"

"Ain't got one. C works just fine. Are you okay?"

"That last trap caught my arm, but I'll make it. Leave me I'll just slow you down."

"Well she has a point." She grunts in pain and tries to get up. C rolls his eyes, and throws her onto his shoulder.


"A lesser man would leave you behind, but my damn morals won't let me do that. You'll get to class one way or another. So what's next?" The next trap in front of them is a path upside down with only large smooth six foot long spikes to get across. "I wish I slept in. Hold on tight." He grabs the spikes and starts swinging to the next with speed and precision. He lands on the other side in less than a minute before looking back and seeing Mako and Ryuko slowly making their way to him. He sighs and clenches his fist making a walkway appear under them. They both fall and land on it before walking across. The next obstacle is walking across a log over lava. C blinks twice before putting Maiko on his back and putting Ryuko on one shoulder and Mako on the other. He steps onto the log and quickly races across it as it spins. He gets across and puts the girls down. "That is ridiculous. I hope it isn't actually lava. Surely that is against some rule."

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