CT: Chapter 1 "Comin' In Hot"

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The only sounds breaking up the otherwise peaceful morning are the footsteps of combat boots and white high tops with the occasional biting into a lemon and apple. C and Ryuko continue on their walk to school with the wind blowing occasionally, moving C's long leather coat and Ryuko's black miniskirt and black and white jacket. "Alright I'm bored of this silence. Let's play a game."

"What are you a child?"

"Ha ha, but seriously here's how it works, I'll ask you two questions and you answer them honestly, then you ask me two questions and I'll answer them honestly. We'll go back and forth until we get where we're going. It'll pass the time."

"Whatever you say."

"So where did you go to school before Honnouji?"

"I drifted around, but mostly stuck to the Kanto area."

"Okay so are you in band class or something?"


"The guitar case, if it's not for band class what's it for?"

"No I'm not in band class, and you ran out of questions."

"Alright then, your turn."

"Where did you go to school before this?"

"America, but I had a, let's call it a falling out with my family, so I left and ended up here. I kinda just follow where the universe takes me."

"So what kind of nickname is C?"

"That's not a nickname. It's my actual name."

"Whatever, don't tell me then."

"No, I'm serious. My name is C."

"What's your last name?"

"Don't have one."

"Now I know for a fact you're screwing with me." Ryuko stops and glares at him.

"I'm really not. Look it's a whole can of worms, but I'm not lying to you. Whatever my birth name was, I don't remember it, so I had to grasp something, and C kinda just stuck."

"So you have amnesia?"

"I wouldn't call it that. I remember everything, just not my name. In a weird way it's like my mind is a chalk board and someone ran an eraser right over where my name was written, but left everything else intact." Ryuko hums and starts walking again.

"So that was way more than two questions, but I wasn't keeping track, so I'll just stick to two. So tell me truthfully, you got something dangerous in that case don't you?"

"And if I do?" C doesn't respond and instead opens up his coat revealing knives, guns, and even a couple hand grenades. "You expecting a war or something?"

"My dad used to say: It's better to be over prepared than not prepared at all." Ryuko doesn't say anything to that instead she keeps her eyes ahead. "You said you're a drifter, so are you out here with family or are you exploring the world by yourself?"

"I ain't got a family."

"Oh my bad. I guess we got that in common at least. I'm the last one of my bloodline too."

"So is "Falling out" your way of saying they're all dead?"

"Well I have some people closer to my age who I lived with after losing my blood family. They were close to me like siblings, so they're the ones I was talking about when I mentioned the falling out."

"Oh. What happened between you and them?"

"I made some mistakes and hurt some people I shouldn't have, so instead of facing them head on, I ran. They tried reaching out a couple times, but I ignored them. I'm just not ready to see how disappointed they are in me. Well no matter how bad my sob story is, my day ain't nearly as shitty as his." C points to the young man hanging from his wrists by wire. His body is at the top of the entrance to the academy, the massive concrete wall that separates the city from the school. Ryuko sees the sign around him and reads it aloud.

The Multiverse Tales: Revolutionized!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang