CT: Chapter 7 "Paid My Dues"

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C sits in this seat in class, not paying attention at all. He has his feet propped up on an empty desk beside him as he stares up at the ceiling. The teacher finishes writing on the chalkboard and sees C not paying attention.

"C, can you so-"

"X squared equals four and Y is negative three." The teacher looks from the board to C and back again before hanging his head in defeat. C feels a slight tremor and looks out the window to see a massive cloud of dust on the wall that surrounds Honnouji Academy. He sees a massive plant that begins to wither and die. He tilts his head in confusion before simply shrugging and turning back to his sketchbook on his desk. He goes back to his drawing, shading it carefully. Once finished, he closes the book. He leans back to crack his back with a slight groan. A siren wails and C gets a message from Satsuki on his phone.

Satsuki: We have an intruder on the eastern wall. Anyone available, access the damage.

C smirks and leaves class without saying a word. He teleports to the eastern wall and sees the gardening club completely taken out. They're alive, but unconscious and naked. He scoffs and puts his hands in his pockets before crouching down and picking up a needle out of the concrete. C licks the needle and moves his tongue in his mouth before spitting to the side. "What are you doing here?" He looks over his shoulder and sees Jakuzure behind him.

"Putting my detective skills to the test until the garden club can tell us what happened."

"Oh really? Then enlighten me. What happened?"

"Someone came and attacked the garden club using something that fires these." He holds the needle up to Jakuzure and she takes it looking it over. "Based on how deep the indentions on the concrete are, I'd say they were fired from something similar to a submachine gun. I'm not familiar with the alloy they're made of, but it's definitely durable. It has a dull poison on it, more than likely that's what took down this club."

"So the reports are true. The anti-uniform guerilla was making his way here."

"So this has happened before?"

"Only at our affiliate academies. I'll let Lady Satsuki know. You should get back to class, Wannabe."

"Sure thing, Shorty." He gets up and walks past Jakuzure who hits him in the arm with her baton. He just keeps walking before teleporting away. He walks back into class and sits in his desk. He leans back when suddenly the door is thrown open and Ryuko runs in before grabbing him and dragging him out the classroom. "Woah, Ryuko calm down! What's wrong?"

"Mako has been kidnapped!"

"Got it." They run until they reach a door and C lifts his foot before kicking it in. The first door reveals a normal school lab with a giant metal door at the back of it. "You sure this is the place?"

"This is it, the Biology club."

"What a lame club. Could have at least been zoology. Well, shall we?" C turns the crank on the door and pulls it open before walking it with Ryuko. They're immediately jumped by a group of one stars.

"Life Fibers Synchronize: Kamui Senketsu!!" She swipes them off her and C pushes forward knocking his group off of him. "What's with you people? All anyone does here is take hostages!" C gives a dry laugh and then headbutts a one star.

"That's definitely what it seems like." Mako laughs as a spotlight shines revealing her.

"Man, you guys are so cool!" Another light cuts on showing the club president.

"Shut up, you! Your friend is not a hostage! In fact, she happens to be the Biology Club's very own human guinea pig!" C points at him while kicking a one star away.

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