"I'll be fine." I say as I take her hand in mine and rub my thumb over it. "And what if you won't." She whispers, and I give her a soft smile. "I'm Daemon BlackFyre, the mad man who jumps of dragons for fun, I can handle a frozen bastard."

"You can be pretty crazy." Sansa says, and i give her a small smile. "Well, now at least we do know you care about dear old Daemon BlackFyre." I state, and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Your diffrent than many others who have come before you, but I will always want the north to be its own kingdom again." She says, and I shake my head.

"I will never force you to wed me Sansa, but I will also never let the north be independent." I state as I let our eyes meet. And I see her face become emotionless as her jaw clenches.

"As you wish your grace." She says before walking out my chambers. I'll never force her hand, but I also won't let the Noth be its own kingdom, if I let then go all the others will want the same probably, and that's a mess I'm not gonna start.

Grabbing my fur cloak, I put it on before walking out of the chamber.


Walking over to Vhagar, I let my hands move over her scales as she bends down.

"We can't go, Vhagar, you all need to stay close. He's marching, and he'll probably be closer than we think." I say with a heavy breath.

"We know, and we are ready, father." She says, and my other children land around the large clearing.

"I remember how small you all were, and now look at you." I say with a soft smile as I look around me.

"You were an orphan from a house believed to be extint, now your king of the realms, father." Viserion says, and I give him a nod.

How much everything has changed through the years, went from an orphan to a king,

"If you told me all of this would have happened when I was a child, I would have laughed and called you insane." I say as I hear soft steps come closer from behind me.

"You jump of dragons and talk to them, I think you're pretty insane." The voice of Dany says, and I roll my eyes as she stands next to me.

"Well, thank you."

"How did it go with lady Sansa?" Dany asks, and I release a heavy breath. As I turn in her direction.

"I won't force her hand, just like if you do not wish to wed me, I won't. It's just confusing everything." I say as I let our eyes meet.

"Our story is one of fire and fire, that's why we can lash out at the other, it never came easy between us for a long time we were on different sides. But that doesn't mean I do not feel anything for you." I continue as I take her hand in mine.

"And you and Lady Sansa?" She asks me with a small frown. "She'd beautiful, and everything between me and her came easier. But I wouldn't have even offered the marriage to her if I the north wouldn't continue to wish to be independent." I softly say with a small smile.

"You would have chosen me?" Dany asks with some surprise as she looks at me. "After everything we've put each other through, and after all the fights we've had, I think my heart will only ever be yours." I say before she almost jumps forward and crashes her lips against mine.

"Smooth real smooth." Drogon says, and I chuckle as I kiss her back. In a way, I think my heart always knew, but my mind and the past fought against it.

I grew up hating the Targaryen's and when I met her well it didn't go pleasant, but the fire inside of my body she can make it turn into a sea of flames but she can also calm it.

A love that was promised for their ancestors, maybe we will have the loves that was supposed to be Deamon BlackFyre the First and Princes Daenerys. But still, the treat of the Night King and his army on top of knowing Jon's true parentage bring me fear.

As she disconnects our lips, I wrap my arms around her while she lays her head against my chest.

"After everything that happened, I feel at ease when I'm with you. You make the fire inside of me calm down." She softly says as she wraps her own arms around me.

"You do the same. Maybe it was meant to be you and me from the beginning, a song of fire and fire."

That Evening.

Seeing Dany talk to Maester Wolkan, I raise my brow before she quickly walks away from him.

"Your grave?!" A out of breath, Harry yells as he runs  my way.

"The Night King and his army, they'll be here tomorrow by nightfall." He breaths out, and I close my eyes for a second as I try to calm the fire that's dancing inside of me.

"Get everything ready, Harry, and let the men , women, and everyone else enjoy their last evening of peace before all hell break lose." I say with a heavy breath as I put my hand on his shoulder.

As he gives me a nod, he walks away before throwing orders around. The men start running around while I make my way in  the direction Dany walked off in.

Making my way out of WinterFell, I  looked around me until I spot Drogon at the clearing we left for the dragons, and the small figure with platinum hair is standing beside him.

Stepping through the snow while  the men are  sharing stories and drinks it takes me a couple of minutes untill I reach the dragon but hearing the soft sniffers and words from Dany I think my eyes just popped out.

"I-i always thought the dragons would be my only children, but I was wrong, Drogon. I-im with child."

Author's note,

This book is coming to an end, leave  your troughs and a comment, and thank you all so much for the support so far.♡

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