Part 43.

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Daenerys Pov.

Standing up, I look towards the sky to see all dragons fly over it while load roars leave all of their lips. What has gotten them so worked up?

"You promised nothing would happen!" Cersei bites my way, but I shake my head. "This is not my doing." I say as Daena, Rhaella, and Vallar are the first one to land in the pit  while they screech in our direction.

"Your grace, this could send the wrong message." Tyrion says as he motions over to the dragons who keep roaring and screeching at us before Viserion and Rhaegal land on the steps of the ruins of the Dragon pit doing the same.

"This is not my doing, I don't know what is wrong with them." I whisper yell in his direction.

What in  the 7 is going on right now?! Is this their revenge that I got their father killed?!

Seeing Drogon and Baelor land next, we are now surrounded in a circle of dragons who keep roaring and screeching our way, and I don't think  I can stop them from doing whatever they want to do.

"Control your beasts!" Cercei yells, making Vallar take a step forward as she loudly roars in her direction.

"Drogon, stop this!" I yell toward him, but it fell to deaf ears as they continue their actions while Vhagar still flies into the sky.

As she eventually lands down, she bends down, and my eyes widen as I see the man get off her back.

"Daemon." I whisper as he marches over to us while the dragons continue their actions.

He's alive?! How is he alive? I saw with my own two eyes how he got impaled with an ice spear and fell from the skies. No body could have survived this, and yet here he stands.

"You'll send your men to the north." He bites the way of Cercei while me and the others who knew of his dead can't even say one word as we look at him with wide eyes.

As the dragons calm down, they keep staring in the direction of all of us as they've circled the pit.

"I'll send my armies North if you'll bend the knee." Cersei says, and my eyes widen  even more as Daemon takes BlackFyre out of its sheet and points it in her direction, and before I know it, all swords of Cersei's men are being pointed at him.

"Tell me, Euron, how fond are you of Your ships?" Deamon asks with a smirk. And what in the Seven is going on right now?!

"Pretty why?" He asks, and I see Daemon turn in the direction of Viserion and Rhaegal.

"Burn their fleet down." He says, and my eyes widen as the dragons fly off.

"Your grace, think about this." Tyrion pleads, and I quickly get up and walk over to Deamon.

"Once again, sent your army north." He states, and the tension only increases.

"This was a peaceful summit. You've broken that!" Cersei bites his way, and I grab his arm.

"Daena, are you hungry? You must be after our long journey. How  about a fake queen?" He states, making Daena step forward as she screeches in the direction of Cersei.

"Now I'll give you one chance Cersei Lanister bend the knee, and I'll make sure you'll see your child be born." Daemon states and what?! What is he doing right now! How does he know she's with  child that she probably is by the look on her face.

"Your grace, please stop this." Tyrion pleads, but Deamon shakes his head. "She's been making ballistas for the dragons. She would have agreed to send her army north, and she never would have followed her word." He bites his way, and my eyes widen.

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