Part 49.

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Daemon's pov.

One week later.

Everyone is working so hard, I've let Greyworm start training the men to work more together as one force instead of a bunch of crazy men running into battle. That's what make the unsullied well special they can work together as one force.

For Dany, well, I've been avoiding her as I've been speaking a lot with Jaime and Randyll Tarly about strategies. The wall is coming along, but still, there is so much work to be done. The trenches are getting digged a mixed from here, and we will have them every 100 yards apart, so yeah, we need small bridges so our men can cross if they need to retreat. Yara is still working on the catapults and trebuchets. We are building as many as we can. The more, the better, right?

Gendry and the smits are hard working on making weapons, but well, he said dragon glass is hard to work with because it's so delicate, so that's also lovely.  The dragons have stayed silent a lot. I think  they just feel he's getting closer and closer to the remains of Balerion, the black dread, and The Cannibal.

"Lost In thought again your grace?" Varys asks me, and I give him a shrug as I stand on the wall and look at the camp where everyone is working.

"He's getting closer and closer to their remains." I say with a heavy breath.

"We will be ready,  your grace." Varys says, and I close my eyes  for a second. "And what if we aren't? What if everything we've done will be for nothing? If I send these men and my children to their deaths?" I state as I turn in his direction.

"Look at all those banners. They all follow you. All these men follow you, they said aside from their differences. Lanister men are working together with men  of the north, houses who have been on the verge of war for many years are here working together because you asked them. You showed them  the treath  was real and that if they didn't put their differences aside, we would all perish. They all choose to follow you, Daemon BlackFyre, because you are the king the realm has always needed. Your plan will work, and you will bring Westeros into real peace and prosperity." Varys says, and I look back to all  the banners that are in front of the thousands of tents.

"One can only hope." I mumble before I start walking off the wall again.

"Ser Jorhan." I say with as he walks over to me, here we go. "Never thought I would see the say I would call you, your grace." Jorhan states, and I let the smallest of smiles creep on my face.

"Just like your queen, you underestimated me, and for once, I don't mind someone calling me your grace." I say as we walk  through the square together.

"I think we all underestimated you, your grace." He states, and I walk out towards the camp to where greyworm is training some men.

"Wanna have another go?" I say with a smirk as I turn in his direction. "The last time you broke my sword." He states, and I give him a small shrug.

"Is this your way of saying you're getting old Ser Jorhan?" I tease as we wak towards a small clearing.

"If you wish to spar, we will your grace." He says, and I see the men from a large circle around us.

"Don't worry, Ser Jorhan, I won't break your sword again." I say as  my hand moves to the hilt of BlackFyre. 

"We will see your grace." Jorhan says as he takes his sword out while the crowd around us only grows.

Taking BlackFyre out, I do some practice swing with it, and I still can't believe how light it is.

As neither if one has made a move for some minutes, I roll my eyes before advancing towards him.

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