Part 32.

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Daemon's pov.

As the whole east horizon is filled with Targaryen ships, I walk over to the catapults with Harry beside me. And I can feel the Targaryen fuming from over here.

"We will not let her ships land on our shores! We will not let her men breach our walls! " I loudly say as I see the men filling them with large pieces of stones while some are being fild with fire balls.

Walking between two catapults, I put my hands on  the wall and look at the ships. There's alot like hundreds of ships but she'll probably won't have anything to counter our catapults and trebuchets, because she has her head up her arse and didn't think I would go for Dragon Stone.

"Fire!" I yell, and soon I hear the catapults let go as rocks and fire balls fly towards the fleet of the Targaryen.

"Reloud!" I yell as I see some missiles hit a few ships, but we need more. We need to destroy her ships before they'll land on the shores. The less are able to set foot on Dragon Stone, the better.

"Fire!" I yell again, and soon more ships being hit as the first 3 since into the ocean. 3 down way too many to go.

"Reloud!" Harry yells as he walks between  the trebuchets on the wall above us as the ships keep moving our direction.

"Fire!" We both yell at the same time as I walk over the wall and see the men getting ready to reloud the catapults again.

"We will sink the Targaryen and her ships into the narrow ocean!" I yell as I briefly look in  the direction of the fleet while the arches and bowman are ready to fire once her fleet comes into reach.

"Fire!" I yell, and soon I see 5 more ships start to sink down.

Daenerys Pov.

Seeing more ships sink around me, my jaw clenches before more stones and fire balls fly our way.

"Your grace, it seems like we've found Daemon BlackFyre and his army." Tyrion says, and the fire inside of my start to grow and grow.

This was his plan all along, and I didn't even think one second that he would go for my ancestral home. But I'll take it back it's mine, and I'll be doomed if I'll let a BlackFyre sit on my throne. I will not let a BlackFyre bastard live in my ancestral home.

"We will continue to sail to the shores he doesn't have the men to keep the castle." I say as more large stones and fire balls fly our way.

"Your grace, he has the advantage of the castle." Tyrion says, and i glare in his direction.

"I will not see a BlackFyre take my ancestral home. We continue to sail!" I bite his way as I hear a loud explosion as the ship next to us blows up.

Daemon's Pov.


We've been able to take out about 12 ships so far but it's not enough they continue to sail to the shores just as I've predicted I knew she would never let a BlackFyre take her ancestral home. It's like I can feel her anger, the fire growing inside her body, and it only feuls me more to take her and her fleet down.

"Keep sinking her into the narrow sea!" I yell to the men as more and more ships come closer.  

"We are House BlackFyre, and we will sink the Targaryen's fleet to the depth of the ocean!" I continue as i walk between two catapults before they fire again.

" Fiest line of bowman ready!" I yell as I ship comes into view, and I look down towards the first wall where about 2000 Bowman and crossbows are positioned.

"Hold!" I yell as the catapults and trebuchets get refilled again. Seeing 2 more ships cokes into view, I release deep breaths before yelling.


When Two Dragons Meetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें