Part 13.

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Daemon's Pov.

It took us 10 days to reach highgarden but I finnaly see the large stronghold come into view. It looks beautiful. Let's hope it will stay that way. I'm tired the men  are tired the horses are tired.

"Let's go." I say as I make sure my hood is on correctly before galloping away over the dirt road. Hearing the loud hooves behind me, I know we have gained the attention of the people, but so far, we just look like a large group of sellswords.

As the large wooden gates are already open, we gallop in. The first circle is like a maze? It looks beautiful, but I'm not here for the scenery. The second ring is where the common folk live, it looks like, but I keep riding until we reach the third ring.

Coming to a stop in the middle of a large square, I hear  the hooves behind me slow down after some minutes, indicating my men have also made their way in. Looking around me, it's well. Like I  said, beautiful, the place is made from some white stone while the top of the towers carry gold and the whole place is filled with  trees and flowers.

Dismounting my horse, I see a young girl walk our way. "You and your men will be taken care of. The journey must have been long, my lord." She says with a small bow, and as Harry is about to open his mouth, I put my hand up.

"I would like to speak to her imminently." I say, and she gives me a hesitant nod. "Follow me, my lord." She says as she starts to walk away from us,walking after her with Harry. we walk through the gardens for some time until we reach a large table where the Queen of Thorns is seated.

"Leave us." She says to the girl who gives her a small bow before walking away. "I hope your journey went well?" She asks as she motions to a chair opposite from hers.

"You are in  the presence of Daem-" Harry starts, but i  soon cut him off. "Please don't." I mumble as I take a seat.

"I  was not born for the seas, so I wish to never cross the narrow sea again on a ship." I state as I slightly look at the Queen Of Roses.

"Show me your face." She states, and I take my hood off. "I may look like a Targaryen, but I'm Daemon BlackFyre IV, so tell my Queen of Thorns why seek out my help? When your house has always sided with the Targaryens." I state as I let our eyes meet.

"My grandchildren are in danger, I need you to save them and take let them join you in the east. The Targaryen is busy being Queen of Meereen and your men could get the job down without Cersei knowing I've sided with you. " She says, and I give her a shrug.

"I won't stay in the east." I state, and I think I see the smallest of smiles make its way on her face.

"I know you won't, I can see it in your eyes. If you help me, the reach will support your claime to the Iron Throne." She says, and I scoff at her words.

"You may be Queen of Thorns but as far as I'm aware your son is Lord of Highgarden and Lord Paramount of the Reach, so tell me if you can't promise me your support what else do you have for me?" I ask her as I lean  back into the wooden chair.

"My granddaughter is a beautiful girl." She states, and I scoff at her words. "Your little rose has been sold of as a broodmare by her father more then onces, tell me, Harry, who did  house Tyrrell side with since the beginning of this?" I say before turning in his direction.

"Renly Baratheon before they sided with the bastard kings." Harry  states, and I release a humm. "So lady Olenna, tell me what you have for me that will make it worth my time?" I ask her.

"You have fire dancing in your eyes." She says, and I sent her a smirk . "He's king of the dragons." Harry says, and I roll my eyes.

"Please stop with the titles." I say like can't we just keep it at Daemon BlackFyre? Is that too much to ask?

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