Part 1

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Daemon's Pov.

I've been riding through the lands of Yunkai for days. The sun shines so bright on my pale skin. But I have a task my mother and father left me a map when they died. I was only a boy when they were taken by a sickness.

The last words my father said were: "Never forget who you are, Daemon BlackFyre. Find the place on the map and fulfill your destiny."

Those words have stayed with me ever since, I'm the last male Blackfyre. The whole world thinks we have died out, but I'm the last one. My appearance made me stay away from people. If the fat stag on the throne got news of me, he'll have my head for thinking I'm one of those disgusting Targaryen's. We may share the same blood, but there's a madness going through them. My father used to tell me when I was just a boy.

It's been years since my mother and father died. I've been following the map, but so far, I haven't reached the destination yet. But I'm coming closer. I feel it. It's like something in me is calling out to me.

Nudging the horse forward, I wipe the sweat off my forehead as I keep following the dirt road in front of me. It's been a long journey since I've started years ago, I've always tried to remember what my father has taught me. From the sword fighting to speaking high Valyrian, he was a great man my father he always said one day a BlackFyre will sit on the Iron throne.

I, to be honest, always had my doubts. We're a house that's supposed to be dead. There isn't much one man can do by himself. Maybe the Golden Company they were loyal to house BlackFyre, but so many years have passed. Who knows if they'll remember that they were once ours.

Maybe it was just a dream my father had that one day our house would come out of the shadows again. It sounded like a beautiful dream, but that's probably what it will always be.

Just like I'm meant to roam the world, once word comes out, either the Stag, Lion, and beggar King will probably want my head.

I've always wondered what Westeros was like. All I've ever seen is Essos it's warm, sandy, and dusty, but some parts are beautiful. Still, I wonder if I ever will be able to walk around like a normal man, to maybe even let my house grow and become even more powerful than it ever was. It's also a nice dream, but just like my father's, I think that's what it will always be a dream.

Spending hours on saddle, day has made place for night, and my eyes fall on a lonely tree. Dismounting the horse, I walk over to it and sit down on  the dry grass. I need to find a small village or something soon, my water has almost ran out and so has the food.

It's a lonely existence, but maybe once i find the place on the map, everything will change? One can only have hope that things will ever turn around. My family has been hiding for years, they tried for more male heirs but every generation it would only be one. Just one baby would be born, and it would always be a boy, well those where the stories from my father.

Looking at the stars, I lean back against the tree with a heavy breath, I've been  following the map for so long. Let's just hope it was worth it.

The Next Day.

Hearing a screech, my eyes snap open as I try to move my hand towards the hilt of my sword, but I'm soon stopped as two nostrils puff out breath on my face.  Trying to further back up, I'm soon stopped by the tree, and I come face to face with a dragon?! They're extind no dragon has been seen in over a hundred years and still here I am looking at one with my own two eyes.

"I know you have the power to harm me. But can't we just part ways?" I say to the beast that's no bigger than a horse as its eyes stay connected with mine.

Hearing another huff leave it's nostrils I'm sure this is my end, as I close my eyes and just wait to be consumed by flames but all i hear is another screech before the flapping of wings.

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