Part 14.

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Daemon's Pov.

As Harry puts on the last pieces of my armor, I release a shaky breath.

"There must be another way, Daemon." Harry says, but I shake my head.

"What better way of showing the Lannistors I'm coming for the throne?  I'll distract the  while you and 25 of our best men get the two out, once you've gotten them out of the scept send Baelor my way, he'll stay close. Do not stop for me. Get to the boat and set sail. I'll catch up with you guys as soon as possible. " I say as I strap BlackFyre to my hip.

"You truly are a mad man." Harry says with a laugh, and I quirk my brow at him. "You're comparing me to a Targaryen?" I  state, and his eyes widen.

"I did not mean to offend you, your grace. All I meant is that I do not know many who would ride into King's Landing on dragons back." He says as he bows down and I release a chuckle. 

"I'm just messing with you  Harry, now go  get your men  ready." I says with a shake of my head as a smile forms on my lips.

Seeing him walk out of the cabin, I release a deep breath. Will this work? To  be honest, it does sound like a plan from a madman, but what else can we do? They are being watched by so many sides. At least this way, I'll distract them from the scept.

I need the Reach without it my claim for the Thore will only become harder, sure I could take King's Landing but I've said it before I'll never be able to hold the realm without any support. And who better to have on my side than the ones who hold the second largest army and wealth?

Walking out the cabin myself, I see Harry get in a row boat with  the other men who will go with him on this mission.

"Baelor! Vhagar!" I yell, and after a couple of minutes, I  see the two dragons fly my way.

"Father, we are ready." Vhagar says as she releases a loud screech. "Baelor, you'll stay close to Harry. Once they take the Tyrrells out, you'll come my way. Do not make it seem like we are up to something by the scept." I say as I look at him.

"I understand, father." He replies before he flies off again. Walking towards the edge of the deck, I climb over it before landing on Vhagar.

"Once Harry is back set sail to Braavos, we will  catch up!" I loudly say to the men on the ship.

"King of dragons!" They all start chanting before Vhagar flies off as I hold her spikes.

"Your plan will work, father." Vhagar says, and  before I even know it, that deep voice booms in my head again.

"What plan! Are you safe!?" I slightly panicked Viserion say, and I couldn't help the smile that creeps on my face.

"Tell them im fine." I say to Vhagar as we fly over the sea towards King's Landing. "If you focus on him, he'll hear your thoughts." She replies, and I close my eyes as I  start to focus on Drogon.

"We are fine, Viserion, do not worry."  I think, and I wonder if it worked until I hear his voice again.

"Be safe, father."


As I've been flying on Vhagar for some hours, I know Harry must by   the scept by now. "Let's go, girl." I softly says and she releases a loud screech as we start to fly towards the city.

Flying over I soon  hear loud screams and i wouldn't blame them to be honest, hearing a loud roar I see Baelor also fly over the city on my right and let's just hope for the best.

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