Part 35.

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Daemon's Pov.

"It's believed a man from old Valyrian blood would come who would be able to bond with all dragons. He would be able to communicate with them." She says, and I walk in circles around her.

"I already know that, what else." I simply state, and her eyes fall on the Targaryen. "It's believed he would tame the last Targaryen dragon." She says, and I raise my brow.

"The Queen of Nothing?" I simply ask the priestess. "A love that once was written for their ancestors but got cut away, leading to a rebellion." She continues, and I come to a stop  a foot in front of her.

"Prophecies are a dangerous thing, are they not?" I ask her, and she gives me a nod.

"They can be your grace, but are the dragons not able to speak with you? You feel their emotions  just like they feel yours . Not even their mother could break the bond you have with your children." She says, and my jaw clenches.

"They speak with you?" I hear the Targaryen behind me, and I ignore her. "My children are mine. We have a simple understanding." I simply state with a glare as I look at the priestess.

"Send word to jo-" She starts but I soon cut her off. "I've already sent word to him, I know he's looking for them, and when he does find them, we'll be doomed."


Standing on the balcony of my chambers, I see the dragons fly around in  the night sky, they're nervous, and so am i. If the Night King finds Balerion the black dread and The Cannibal we are all doomed. 

Hearing steps behind me, I slightly turn my head around and see the Targaryen walk my way. "How did you get past my gaurd?" I ask  her, and she gives me a shrug. "Missandei can be quite distracting." She simply says, and I roll my eyes.

"Men will always be men." I state as I place my hands on  the railing, the rain has stopped, but the tender still fills Dragon Stone .

"Why did you let us in? " She asks, and I give her a shurg. "That's a conversation for when the others arrive. Why are you in my chambers Queen of Nothing?" I ask her as it's deep into the night.

The news from my children troubles me, and I would be a fool if it didn't.

"Never has there been  heard of a dragonrider who can ride more than one dragon, and yet you can ride them all." She states as she stands beside me. "They are my children. We have a simple understanding." I mumble as I keep looking in front of me.

"And yet I don't believe you." She stated, and I gave her a shrug. "I don't need you to believe me, Queen of Nothing."

"Is it so hard to say my name?  In those years, you've only said it twice." She asks, and I raise my brow. "Why should I  say your name? As far as I know your Queen of nothing, princes of drago-- wait no I took dragon stone and your here because of my mercy." I simply say with a sly grin. 

"For now." She says, and I grab her troat before I  push her against the railing as fire starts to rise in my body.

"Funny while you where playing Queen in Meereen I've been planning to take your army out all along, I knew you would sail for your ancestral home, I knew you would not back away when you saw my banner hang on its wall. Just like i knew you would be dumb enough to not  even think about building counter weapons on your ships. So tell me, how will you take Dragon Stone from me?" I say as my hold on her troat increases.

"My army is on the island." She bites my way, and I give her a shrug. "Most of your army is on the ships. Your Dorthraki aren't much without their horses. Your unsullied may be a problem, but they don't match up to the 30,000 men I have in Dragon Stone right now." I say before I take a step away from her while fire dances in  her eyes.

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