Part 19.

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Daemon's Pov.

Some Days Later.

Sitting on a wooden chair by my table, I place my cup of wine down again as my eyes move over the map of the north.

Where could the eggs be? Let's pray to all the gods that they are not behind the wall. I do not wish to make that journey.

I've heard word that Cercei took the crown after her bastard son jumped off the tower because he thought his wife was killed in the scept. Do I feel guilty? Well, I don't know. He was a boy who didn't have any real claim to the throne. He got caught in a game he did not know how to play.

I'm not even sure if I truly know how to play the game, I'll follow my gut and hope that in the end, I'll be the one sitting on the Iron Throne. There are so many players, BlackFyre,  Lannister, and Targaryen, and the quistion is where the remaining houses will side with.

"You seen lost in thought, your grace." I hear a voice as it snaps my indeed out of my thoughts.

"Lady Margaery, I thought with all your time in King's Landing, you would have learned how to knock." I state, and she gives me a soft smile as she fills two cups with wine. 

"The war troubles you? Your grace." She asks as I stand up and take one of the cups from her.

"If the war wouldn't trouble me, I should give up my claim already." I state as I wait for her to take the first sip of her own cup.

Can't be too careful these days. You never know what someone's true intentions are.

Taking her cup, I hand her mine as she raises her brow at me. "Poison is a woman's way." I state before I take a sip of the cup and see her do the same thing with the cub I  was just holding.

"You should put some trust in us, the Reach follows House BlackFyre, your grace." She says, and I give her a small shrug.

"As beautiful as roses can be, one should not forget they have Thorns." I say as she looks in my eyes. 

"Most beautiful things can cause pain." She says, and I give her  a humm. "Tell me, lady Margaery, what are your plans after if I take the Iron Throne?" I ask  as I look back at the map again.

"Go back to Highgarden, live out my life." She states, and I quirk my brow at her words. "You seem way too ambitious to just go home." I say before taking another sip of the wine.

"I've lost a lot during the last years. My ambition has left me." She states, and I turn back in  her direction.

"And still I do not believe you, so tell me lady Margaery what does your heart desire?" I ask  her as I lean my back against the wooden table.

"I don't know, I always wanted to be queen, but all it has brought is pain." She says, and I give her a nod as I bring the cup up to my lips again.

"You've been wed off like a broodmare." I state before I take some sips from the wine.

"My first husband favored a cock, my second one was a cruel and vile boy who got murderd at our wedding  and my third was a sweet naive boy. Maybe I am cursed." She states, and I give her a shrug as I place the new empty cup down on the wooden table before crossing my arms over my chest.

"Like I've said you've been wed off like a broodmare." I state once again as I look at her. 

"Would you wed?  Your grace." She asks, and I give her a shurg. If I have to, then I will, I hope one day I'll wed out of love, but if I have to do it to strengthen my claim, then I will.

"Is this the Queen of Thorns way of bringing our houses together?" I state with a raised brow as I look  at the girl.

"No, your grace. Just curiosity." Margaery says, and I give her a small nod. The Reach has already sided with me so I won't have to wed her to bring our houses together.

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