Chapter 28: Confront

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To think that he had apologized! Jean slammed her closet door shut. She was angrier with him than she could remember ever being mad at anyone. And it wasn't because he'd kissed her, but because he'd APOLOGIZED!

Wasn't she worth kissing?!

She swatted at angry tears as she threw articles into drawers. Darn! She was NOT going to cry!

Thank goodness Mrs. D. didn't awaken easily. Jean didn't want to explain, explain why, WHY he had treated her that way. No, she wanted HIM to explain why, WHY--

She threw her head back, stared hard at the ceiling, but could not stop the burning sting in her eyes. Finally, she gave up, threw herself into a chair, and had a good, old-fashioned crying jag.

How would she ever face him at school?

She needn't have worried. Cramer managed to avoid her. Whenever they were thrown together, he scurried away. At first it was almost amusing, then it got infuriating.

Then Jean decided to join his game, too, for a game it was. An evil, sadistic, sad game. And between the two of them, they managed to avoid each other very nicely.

"What's going on with you and Von Cramer? You two act distant toward each other. There's a distinct chill in the air when you're together. And don't try to tell me that I'm imagining it."

"You aren't, Craig. We've finished the last of the weekly educational meetings, and I guess we've had enough of each other's company to last us for awhile. Now I'm anxious for school to be over so I can move on to other things."

"You, and me, both. I'm getting married in a little over a month."

"Oh, you!" She punched him in the arm and gave him the first genuine smile he'd seen for awhile.

The office was vacant when Jean popped in to check her mailbox. Not even the secretary was around.

Jean was shuffling through her mail when the outer door opened. She turned with a smile on her face and felt it freeze when she recognized Robert Cramer.

He seemed confused when he saw her and almost backed out, then changed his mind and stepped inside. The door shut, leaving them alone in a crowded building.

Jean almost panicked.

"I wanted to remind you about the schedule changes while I'm gone on the Senior trip to Chicago, Miss, ah, ah--" he said as he fumbled at a mailbox that wasn't his.

Jean decided not to help him with her name. If he hadn't learned it by now, he never would.

"I'm to take your study hall, right?"

"Yes, ah--" His sifting eyes settled on her face for a moment, then swiftly looked away. "I do appreciate--"

The outer door opened, admitting the secretary and noise from the hallway.

"Sorry I've been gone! Did either of you need anything that I can get for you?"

"No, thank you, Diane," Jean said warmly while Cramer mumbled at her side. She turned with iciness in her voice and cut him off. "I'll see to that, Mr. Cramer. You needn't worry." She brushed past him before he could answer.

Diane's eyes followed Jean. There was a stunned look on her face.

That afternoon, several girls arrived early to fifth period English, seated themselves, and eagerly began talking about the Junior-Senior banquet and prom. Jean smiled as she listened and remembered other banquets and proms when she had been a student.

Jean HarnettWhere stories live. Discover now