The fact that she had refused a C-section when Recovery Girl had suggested it, in favor of natural birth, had also stunned the girls.

Something about how her quirk functioned and not wanting to have to be cut open every time she got pregnant in the future. Especially if it happens somewhere she can't get medical aid, given how fast pregnancies from Izuku went.

Yah, turns out once you have a C-section, you can't have a natural birth ever again. Not without risks anyway. You don't just cut someone's womb open without consequences it seems.

And it was for that reason that everyone immediately refused the same operation after hearing Mirko's explanation and reasoning behind her decision.

Because as much as they may have found this situation messed up and maybe didn't want more kids. They all knew it was inevitable that they would get pregnant again.

Even if they figured out some better birth control or Izuku got control of his quirk, they were all now addicted to Izuku and his, not so little, Deku. And with his quirk they were definitely going to get pregnant again. It wasn't a matter of IF but WHEN and how many.

And man did they miss their babydaddy already...

Something evidenced by Jiro laying on the gurney to Ochako's left.

The poor girl was easily the most horny out of all of them, or at least the worst at hiding it. She didn't outright display anything, but it was obvious to anyone who looked close enough, that she was squirming slightly under the blankets covering her lower half, and that she was trying desperately to hide the wetness she felt down there, along with the resulting blush, as her mind conjured up naughty images and memories of Izuku ruining her.

Ochako was sure she even saw Jiro try to sneak one of her jacks down there at one point, but thought better of it before she could get caught.

Now though, the girl was occupying herself with looking at a photo of her ultrasound. The image of one of her little boys shoving his hand into the other's face, bringing a small, watery smile to her face and keeping her mind clean, as she hummed a song to her babies and pressed one of her jacks up against her belly to hear their heartbeats and movements. Even if it did bring some embarrassing new tear tracks to her face.

Still, Ochako didn't miss her occasionally glancing up at the other girls with a mix of jealousy and relief.

Out of all the girls so far, Jiro was the most self-conscious. She was the only one having twins so far and still had the smallest bust out of all the girls. She tried to hide it but Ochako could see the mixed look of jealousy and relief when she looked at the other girls' large bellies. Jealous that they all could handle more then her, but relived that she didn't have to suffer carrying around and pushing out so many when she did go into labor.

Jiro's mind was pulled from such thoughts though as she gave a light gasp and smiled while looking down at her belly and placing a hand on it, feeling the tiny imprint of a fist.

"Definitely your father's son..." she muttered with a teary smile before she started humming softly again and Ochako couldn't help smiling along with her.

Her attention was quickly pulled to a grinding and gnashing sound on her right though, and she looked over to see Hatsume, gnawing a metal pen between her teeth, as she gave death stares to Mirko and Tsu.

"Midoriya... when I get my hands on your Olympian body, I'm locking you in a bunker alone with me, until this error is rectified..." she muttered darkly as she had blueprints for such a bunker laid out around her, with her most recent design laid out over her belly. The designs kept changing every time a new girl came in, as she attempted to account for all the quirks Izuku was accumulating.

Nezu was all too happy to scoop up the rejected blueprints for his own use, whenever he passed through for one thing or another.

Ochako gave a nervous laugh as she eyed Hatsume wearily, before turning her gaze to the other side of the room again. On Mirko's right was Mt. Lady and Setsuna. Both of which were deep in conversation over baby names and future plans.

The two of them had felt like the odd ones out of all the girls, and as such, had bonded over it.

Setsuna had been crushing on Izuku like all the other girls, but she hadn't been nearly as committed to that crush as the others. Feeling overshadow by the competition and never actually believing anything would come of it, especially with how oblivious Izuku was. So she felt a little like a third wheel in Izuku's growing harem.

Mt. Lady on the other hand, had not been interested in Izuku at all, prior to the day's events. Sure she recognizes he was attractive with his incredibly chisel and ripped body, which had been displayed on the news a few times when his suit got torn while fighting villains. But that was more an observation of how attractive he'd be for the younger generation.

Now she suddenly found herself drooling over him and, in spite of her "I don't give a shit!" personality, she now felt awkward and embarrassed by her new attraction to the young hero who'd knocked her up. And so she found camaraderie with the other self perceived oddball of the girls.

Then there was Ryukyu, who was laying on the other side of Mirko.

The poor dragon lady had her face buried in her hands.

She was getting hit by her hormones harder then the others. Possibly do to her quirk or just bad luck in the genetic lottery.

Ether way, she was constantly switching between overjoyed, sad, angry and terrified.

The last one was more directed at her son's quirk, which Izuku displayed by towering over her and the small city she was in at the time, along with the overbearing effects of just being around him in that form.

She could literally feel his heartbeat vibrating through the ground, and the body heat from just being near him.

Ryukyu was really hoping that quirk didn't manifest for a few years. At least until they were out of the toddler phase.

"Please let the rest of you be normal. Please let the rest of you be normal" she chanted quietly as she held a photo of her ultrasound tightly in her hands as she covered her face.

Ochako gave a sympathetic smile. They had done what they could to support her, but you could only do so much when she was flooded with homes.

Ochako's gaze then shifted a little further, past Ryukyu and her face fell a little.

Nejire was being unusually quiet.

She had a sad and introspective expression that worried Ochako and the others, but thankfully she seamed to be getting better as time went by and she stared at her ultrasound in one hand, while the other rubbed her belly.

She had reassured them that she would be ok. That she just needed time to think, and everyone was glad to see Nejire improving, even if slowly.

She at least seamed to be getting more excited whenever she felt her babies moving or kicking, and a smile would split her face momentarily, before she would briefly ramble off random conversation with her unborn children, before going quiet again.

Ochako sighed as she leaned her head back into her elevated pillow and rubbed her belly.

Her biggest regret right now, was that she couldn't stand up on her own.

Admittedly she might not be suffering from that issue if she hadn't decided to let Deku have his way with her, Jiro and Hatsume for an hour... or rather then haven their way with Izuku for an hour if she was being honest with herself... but semantics. It was totally worth it in her opinion. She felt like she would go crazy just from the memories of their wild and passionate time together.


"Ooohhh... Finish up and come back to me already Deku..." Ochako thought and she squirmed a little as her mind flashed with memories of Izuku's sweaty and naked body, as he ravished her.

"If Deku thinks he's finished when this is over, he's dead wrong" Ochako thought with a dark glint in her eye.

A thought that was shared by all of the hormonal girls in the room, as they made plans to drain Izuku dry, or die trying.

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