Chapter 35, Party Hard

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Hey, hey! Sorry for not posting last week. I had just returned from vacation and didn't like how his chapter was structured. So, I rewrote. it.

Is it perfect? No, far from it. But it's a lot better than what it originally was.  That being said, I hope you enjoy it even if it is a bit of a shorter chapter. That being said, I'm coming to the tail end of this story. after this one there will be a few more then it'll be over.  


When they entered the large ballroom, the group was not expecting what they saw. Scattered about were merman and women, gods and goddesses of the likes drinking and joking around.

The room was practically buzzing with unchecked power waiting to explode.

"This place is crazy" Wally says loudly in order to be heard. "It's a gods' party, what did you expect? Uno?" Tim replies with a laugh. "Oh, they actually do have uno. It's set up at one of the tables. Be careful who you play with though. Gods don't take kindly to being skipped or +4'd" Percy replies.

Noticing his trouble, the raven-haired demigod makes her way to the back of the group to check on Connor.

"How do you do it? This is hard as hell" he grunts throwing his arm to the side for stabilization. Megan floated next to him trying her best to support him. "You just have to relax, it's a lot like when you're floating using my telekinesis" the green-skinned girl says with a supportive smile.

"I just don't get it" Connor says starting to get frustrated. "Connor, Chill bud. You'll get it, just listen to me" Percy says with a smile. "You just have to focus and picture yourself. From there you just have to look where you want to go, and the current should take you in that direction" Percy instructs.

Closing his eyes, Connor tries to do as told but grunts again.

"It's hard to focus. There's so much magic in here that I feel sluggish" Connor comments. Whispering something to Megan, the Martian nods and floats about ten feet away. "Connor. I want you to focus on only Megan" Percy says making Connor open his eyes.

Directly in front of him was his girlfriend with her arms wide open.

"Connor... I want a hug, but you have to come over here" the green-skinned girl says with a blush.

An even stronger blush spread across Connors face as he coughed into his hand. Composing himself he looks back to his girlfriend before very slowly floating towards her. He was still a little wobbly, but he made it to her in a few seconds and wrapped his arms around her.

"Just remember that feeling and you'll be golden" Percy says with a smile patting the half-Kryptonian's back. "Remember the feeling of wanting to hug Megan, I can do that" he whispers as his blush deepens.

Leaving the two alone, Percy makes her way back over to the others.

"You know, you're a pretty good teacher" Zatanna comments as she wraps an arm around Percy's.

Looking to her girlfriend, Percy sees Aphrodite smiling as the goddess sent a wink her way. 'Her and her stupid blessing' Percy thinks with a grin as she rolls her eyes.

"Thanks. I've been told the same thing by a lot of the campers. I'll have to give you a private lesson sometime. It's dangerous being around me, you know" Percy jokes. "I think I heard something like that before. I don't really see it though" the sorceress says with a giggle as a part of the staff beings by some food.

"Oh, don't mind if I do" Zatanna says grabbing a cup from the passing staff member.

"Wait, don't drink that" Percy says quickly grabbing the cup as she inspects it. "Aw, c'mon Percy. Even under the ocean I can still get thirsty" the black-haired teen says with a slight pout.

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