Chapter 28, Feelings Like a Raging Ocean

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Hello there,

Welcome back to the next chapter of Gotham's Siren (A whole night early!!! Such wow, much amazing).  While it's not going to be the main plot of the story, this is where the romantic aspect of the fanfiction really starts to come into play.  

Like I stated in a previous chapter (Unless I forgot, or you missed it) this is a Zatanna x Fem! Percy fanfiction.


It was dark and cold as rain splattered on the muddy rain around the young daughter of Poseidon. A cold breeze blows her hair out of her face showing that the rain covered her tears. She didn't care though as she allowed the cold water to soak into her clothes.

The presence of multiple people behind her did nothing to worry her as they approached. She continued to hug her knees to her chest.

Sitting next to her, Percy didn't take her eyes off the gravestone in front of her. "You had some great memories with her... with them. I wish I could have met them" Zatanna says from her stop next to the young demigod.

"It would have been easier if I never woke up" Percy grunts out with no emotion in her voice.

"I don't believe that" the sorceress says softly placing her hand on top of Percy's shoulder. "Well, it's the truth. I'm nothing but a burden" she argues with furrowed eyebrows. "That's not true" Zatanna says firmly in an even voice.

"It is though. Had I never been born she would never have had to get married to some dirtbag who abused her. She would have been able to get her degree sooner and be some big shot author like she always wanted" she rants showing the first sign of emotion since waking up, anger.

"She would have been able to live the life she wanted with the guy of her dreams. Not having to look after some ungrateful snotnosed brat like me. All I ever did was cause trouble for her" the demigod continues as the rain stops hitting them. She didn't even notice the tug in her gut as she started using her powers.

"But she loved you" Zatanna insists. "And look where that got her. Killed, not even knowing if I was alive or not.  By a monster that couldn't kill me, so he went for the next best thing" Percy continues to argue.

"Fine, let's go by that logic. Based off what you told me, everything would have been different, and the world would have probably ended years ago" Zatanna says making Percy glare at the ground.

"The war between your dad and Zeus would have continued. Thalia would have never turned back from a tree. Nico and Bianca would have stayed in the lotus Hotel since Hades wouldn't want his kids taking on the great prophecy" she says listing all the things that would have changed if Percy wasn't born.

"Beyond that though, she might have never met Paul. She would have ended up living a very different life that might not have even been better" the sorceress continues. "Things would have worked out fine. The only reason I was a part of it was because the fates hate me. And The only reason I survived all this time was because of my crap luck" Percy grumbles.

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know what the fates want" Zatanna admits. Neither of them mentioned anything about Percy slipping her hand into Zatanna's as they talked.

It wasn't until the black-haired spellcaster squeezed it comfortingly.

"What I do know, however, is that your mom and Paul cared about you. You have people that care about you. The other demigods, your family, Batman, the others... And Me" she continues as she slowly slides closer to the young demigod.

"But it's not fair. So many other people better than me have given up their lives just to give me a chance to live" Percy says as she begins to shudder under the sorrow and the tears fall faster.

"Maybe. But they did that because they believed in you. They believed that you would help change things, and you did. The gods are acknowledging their children and you're helping keep people safe as a hero. Sure, life can be hard sometimes and it's hardly fair, but you also have friends that can help make things a little better, even if it's just listening when you need to vent. Please don't feel like you have to do things alone" the dark-haired teen says.

A sob wrenched its way from Percy's throat as Zatanna pulls her into a hug as she rubs small circles on her back.

They stayed like this for a few minutes before Percy pulled away wiping the tears from her eyes.

They locked eyes for a second as a blush spread across each of their faces. "You know, it's been a bit of a running joke that I'm not the best at this" Percy admits referring to romance. "And It looks like I am?" Zatanna questions with a playful grin.

"I don't know, you seem to know what you're doing" the young demigod replies teasingly. "I know, I'm a natural born actress" Zatanna jokes puffing out her chest a little as she playfully strikes a pose.

Feeling a shift in the rain, Percy looks off to the side noticing Two figures ducking behind a tree and a third standing in the open. "I know you're there; you can come out now" Percy calls out.

Kaldur and Arthur step out sheepishly several feet off as Batman never made an attempt to hide. "How long have you been there?" Zatanna demands as a blush explodes onto her face. "About five minutes now" Percy tells her. "And you didn't say anything?" the spell caster demands punching Percy in the arm softly. "I didn't realize at first, sorry" Percy apologizes.

"We were going to come find you first, but Zatanna beat us to it" Kaldur answers rubbing the back of his neck.

"We did not mean to interrupt but we were worried about you, Princess" Arthur adds on. "And how many times have I told you to drop the formalities? I hate being called Princess and majesty and all that crap" Percy grumbles.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better... Percy" the blonde superhero replies with a chuckle.

"So, I say we get back. Shall we?" Zatanna asks standing as she offers Percy a hand.

Taking the hand with a small smile, Percy and Zatanna walked through the cemetery hand in hand. Feeling a presence behind them, the spell caster glances back to see a figure standing there.

"Thank you" the ghost of Sally mouths as she hovered above the grave watching them go. Smiling at the ghost, Zatanna squeezed Percy's hand slightly as the transparent apparition disperses into a fog.

"So, we're still on break from school" Percy says catching her attention again. "Maybe... if you wanted to, that is... Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is. Do you maybe wanna-" she stammers over her words.

"Yes, I'd wanna go out somewhere with you. Though it might have to wait until after the break. I still have to find a way to sneak away while my dad isn't looking" Zatanna answers, unable to help the laugh at how awkward Percy was being.

"I can help with that. I'd just have to schedule him for some extra watchtower duties" Batman says offering a rare smile.  "You're the best Sir" Zatanna replies happily.

Percy couldn't help but feel her heart speed up. They were suddenly perfectly dry as the rain seemed to stop hitting them.  "You could have done that this entire time?" the sorceress asks with a raised eyebrow.  

"To be fair. My powers get a little harder to control when I'm flustered. And for the record, I blame Aphrodite for making me feel all crazy" Percy jokes giving Zatanna a playful shoulder bump. 


Word Count - 1,319

Well, there you have it.  A bit of a short chapter but I feel like it was important to the overall story.  

I hope you enjoyed it and I'll catch you all in the next chapter!

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