Chapter 31, The Wayne Family Generosity

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Wow, I actually remembered to post a chapter.

I hope you all enjoy this week's chapter of Gotham's Siren!


Walking through the halls of Gotham academy, Percy held her usual bored expression. She still didn't understand why she had to go to school when she was already at college level thanks to Annabeth and Athena's blessing.

It was weird being back in school after what happened over the break, but she was a little happy as well. Even if she had only been going to school here for a few months now, the school didn't change.  The other students still gossiped, and neither did the classes.  It offered a weird sort of structure to the young demigods' life.

In the halls of Gotham academy, she was able to relax. She didn't have the expectations of being a superhero or the reputation of being a powerful demigod. Sure, she was considered a Wayne but that didn't faze her all that much. It was just a last name to her.

"Percy!" Sarah calls from down the hall as she rushes towards her friend.

"Woah, where's the emergency?" Percy jokes at the rushed and panicked nature of her friend. "At my house!" Sarah replies as her anxiety spiked. "What do you mean?" Percy asks as her smile dropped slightly.

"My dad is having this really important business dinner and wants me to invite you. He told me that he won't take no for an answer" the brown-haired girl informs.

Percy's eyes darkened at what she heard for a brief moment. "Well, I don't see a problem with joining" Percy replies with a slightly forced smile. "He... He, uh, also wants your uncle Bruce to join" Sarah admits.

"Oh, sure. When is it" Percy asks pulling her phone out.

"Uh... Tonight" the brunette admits looking to the floor. Percy physically paused at the admission. "Why such the late notice?" Percy couldn't help but asks.

"I didn't hear about it until this morning. I was on my way out the door when he dropped it on me." she says as tears gather at the side of her eyes.

"Well, I know that Uncle B doesn't have any meeting after three so I don't see why it would be a problem" Percy replies happily. "Really?" Sarah asks, brightening up. "Yah. I'll call him now since we're in between classes." Percy replies offering a slightly bigger smile.

"You're a life saver. Thank you so much! I'll text you the address later" Sarah says before rushing to her next class.

"Hey, Bruce?" Percy asks, holding her phone to her ear.

"Yah, I need your help with something" Percy says with a mischievous grin.

"Why do we have to come along again?" Jason asks from his spot in the limo. "No reason" Percy replies with a sweet smile. "I don't like that smile" Dick whispers to Tim.

"Fine, but I'm just coming along for the free food" Jason says crossing his arms as he slumps in his seat.

"Master Jason. That is not proper posture" Alfred scolds from up front. "Right, sorry Alfred" the black-haired teen replies straightening up. "You idiot. You always get free food considering you neither buy nor prepare the food we eat" Damian adds on with an eye roll.

"Right, like you're one to talk" Jason demands with a scowl. "I'm thirteen and never claimed to be in it for the free food. What's your excuse?" Damian shoots back with a triumphant grin.

"Boys, behave" Bruce says in an even tone.

"Right, I apologize, father" the youngest replies looking away from Jason. "No, Bruce. It's alright. I think they should get it out of the way before dinner" Percy says happily her plan already going well.

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