Chapter 22, Spell Caster

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Welcome back to another chapter.  I'm sure you've all noticed that this isn't a Percabeth fanfiction. Don't get me wrong, I love them and the ship in general but I'm also a bit of a multi-shipper.  I love hearing about and trying out different ship dynamics (Within reason. None of that Percy x Hera stuff {That is an actual ship I've seen and it's just weird})

I should have put this in the disclaimer about what ships I'm using, or even the description but this is a Fem! Percy x Zatanna fanfiction because I feel like they would have some great chemistry. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and hope you'll stick around for more.


"C'mon Timmy-Tim-Tim!" Percy shouts out across the Batcave. "I'm coming.  Some of us still have to keep out identity a secret" Tim shouts back as he slips on his sunglasses and jacket.

"I just wanna get to the cave" the raven-haired girl complains with slumped shoulders. "That's fine and all but Bruce still doesn't want you participating in training just yet" Tim replies rolling his eyes.

"Ugh, don't remind me. I'm just happy to get out of that stupid boot for a while" Percy replies rolling her ancle as if to prove that she was for the most part healed.

"I'm still jealous of you for being able to heal this quick" the younger teen grumbles with crossed arms. "Being a demigod isn't all bad. Just most of the time" she jokes light-heartedly. "Personally, it doesn't sound all that bad aside from the monsters" Tim admits.

"You're probably right. I think I'm a little biased since I've been unlucky enough to be the center of two big prophecies and the daughter of one of the big three. That kinda already spells disaster, then add in the nearly nonexistent social life" she replies with a shrug before they enter the zeta tube.

"Red Robin, B-01. Siren DG-01" the computer announces in the cave.

Stepping out of the bright light as the tube shuts down, Percy takes a deep breath as she stretches her arms over her head.

"Man, it feels like I haven't been here in so long" she says with a smile.

Without realizing what was going on, she was forced to stagger back with a grunt and a wince. "M'gan, please... Need to breath" Percy gasps out causing the green skinned girl to gasp in shock.

"Oh, I am so sorry, Percy. I heard the announcement of your arrival and got so excited that you are alright" the red-haired alien says covering her mouth.

"A little excited is an understatement" Artemis says walking into the room in her casual outfit. "She phased right through the nearest wall to get here" the blonde archer says with a laugh.

"Glad to know that you're recovering well" she says with a smile patting the raven-haired girl's shoulder. "Yah, it's good to be here. I know I've only been on the team for a couple months, but I've gotten used to hanging out with you all" Percy admits.

"We all know that you were missing me the most" Wally says strutting over and throwing his arm around her.

"All right KF, Stop flirting with her before she puts you in a cast" Tim says swatting his best friend's hand away from his sister. "Aw, c'mon man. You know the Ladies can't resist the wall-man" the red-haired speedster says with a grin.

"Dear gods, he's nearly as bad as Leo" Percy muttered shaking her head.

"Princess, you seem to be healing well, I'm glad" Kaldur says with a genuine smile. "It's good to be back. How were things with my dad?" Percy asks as a slight shiver went down her spine at the thought of her father's wrath. She also figured that she would let him off the hook for calling her princess seeing as she was in pretty bad shape for a while there. 

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