Chapter 6, The Hunt

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Hey party people, it's Dorren.  I hope you all enjoy this week's chapter.  


It was the day after the Gala and Percy met with the hunters of Artemis like they had planned. She was completely unaware of the mess she left back at the Manor.

"Are you ready?" Artemis asks looking over the raven-haired girl. She had packed light, only bringing two backpacks. The biggest thing she brought was something large wrapped in a sheet strapped to one of her bags.

With a determined nod Percy steps up to the large group of young girls. "Well then you'll need this" Thalia says handing her a silver jacket just like the one all hunter's wear. "But I'm not officially joining the hunt" Percy says her voice laced with confusion.

"Take it as a gift Percy. You'll always have a spot in my hunt, an official member or not" Artemis says with a soft smile.

"Right, then I'm ready" the raven-haired teen says slipping the jacket on. With that out of the way, they made their way through the streets of Gotham. How such a large group of young girls wielding bows in bright silver jackets went on their way unnoticed was nothing short of a miracle or just the mist working its magic.

The first day was mostly traveling, they had followed the tracks all the way to Ohio. Once there it was late day, so they decided to get some dinner at one of the local restaurants. The hunt had grown since the battle of Manhattan now sitting at around forty members now. A lot of the newer members were questioning Percy about her many adventures.

"Oi, Kelp Head" Thalia says from across the table. Everyone went quiet, looking between the two teens. "Are you not worried about your family putting out a missing person report?" Thalia asks popping a fry into her mouth.

Percy stopped mid bite of her burger. It was probably a lot worse than that. Since her uncle is Batman, he would most likely come after her himself or calling in his team. Hopefully Wonder Woman or Aquaman could hold him off long enough for them to find and kill the minitour.

"Didn't really think that far ahead" Percy admits with a shrug. A few of the older Hunters who knew Percy well couldn't help but facepalm. The rest of dinner was actually really fun.

Some random group of guys tried hitting on Percy and Thalia. Needless to say, they left the restaurant with one guy duct taped to the ceiling and the other stuck to the wall using multiple arrows.

All while this is happening Bruce and the boys are in the bat-cave trying to track Percy.

"Any luck on finding her?" Tim asks as he types away at his laptop. He was sitting on one of the chairs off to the side. Bruce let out a grunt indicating that he hadn't.

Next to Bruce was Damian who was trying to find new information to use against Percy. Jason was off to the side leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

Sure, Jason acted like he didn't care but he was actually getting more nervous when he found out her phone couldn't be tracked for whatever reason. Almost as if it doesn't even exist. He would believe it didn't too, had he not seen her use it multiple times that is.

"Did you try any social media? maybe someone saw them and snapped a photo" Dick asks as he looks through previous files about Percy's dropped criminal offenses.

He wasn't sure what to think. They already found a lot of these and they had been dropped. However, with Percy disappearing like this he couldn't help but wonder if some of these were true.

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