𝐗𝐋𝐈𝐗 || 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐲

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Pansy and her husband, Blaise, had just arrived in the Manor with a child, who was the same age as Marigold, holding her hand. The child was not hers but Blaise's first cousin, once removed, from a cousin of his. It was Pansy's idea to bring the child along with them so that Marigold could have a playmate. She noticed over the past few weeks that Marigold had grown to be a bit tired of only playing alone every time Draco was busy. So she took the little boy with her and plans to in every time she visits the Manor with her husband.

"You didn't tell me you miraculously had a child?" Draco glanced at the little boy in between Pansy and Blaise.

The little boy is quite adorable if anyone would lay their eyes on him. He has this black curly hair that matches well with his blue eyes. His skin was not as dark as Blaise but it was rather brown due to having a father, whose skin was light, whilst his mother had beautiful dark skin. He too has one little dimple in each of his cheeks, which he inherited from his mother.

"Draco, if we're pregnant, you would've known. But going back to your question, my answer would be no, and in fact, he is my cousin, once removed, Kylo." Blaise introduced the little boy. "He would be a perfect playmate for little Goldie."

"It seems to be that this is your idea, Pansy?" He eyed his dear friend. He knew her very well that Mrs Zabini had something planned and it was evident enough that she need not explain.


"Pansy, whatever you planned, you do know that you just ca—"

"Papa?" Marigold ran through the hallway and found her father in the foyer with her aunt Pansy and uncle Blaise — and another boy? She curiously eyed him, tilting her head slightly to the right and then to the left, but the little boy hid behind Blaise's back and only his eyes peeked out. Then she continued to speak, "Who is that, Papa?"

Pansy smiled down at Kylo, gently pulling him out of his hiding as Draco introduced the young boy to his daughter. "Lottie, this is Kylo. He is your playmate." He placed his hand on her back. "Why don't you say hello?"

However, the little girl seemed rather shy to take a step forward, holding tightly onto Mr Autumn, her favourite plush bear.

Pansy encouraged Kylo to be the one to be the one to introduce himself, for she knew that if Kylo made the first move, perhaps Marigold would warm up to him and perhaps they could become easily friends, especially when they are at the same age.

Kylo stepped out of his hiding, trying his very best to fight his shyness away and act his bravest. "Hallo, I'm Kylo, and you are?" He took his hand out for a handshake.

"Hello, Kylo, I'm Marigold." She shook his hand.


They were all at the Manor's garden, spending their free hours and feeling the fresh breeze of the autumn air. Pansy and Blaise were with the children, trying to capture dragonflies to look at them and free them after. Theo was with...well...with himself, smoking amongst the trees far away from the children. As for Draco, he was sitting at the stoned bench under the tree that was surrounded by roses and marigolds that he and Y/n had planted in the summer before their 5th year. He never truly took these flowers away. In fact, he continuously took care of it even though they did not have the same relationship as before because if he took these flowers away, it would mean that he was throwing all the memories away, which he didn't want to happen.

He was looking through one of the photobooks that Y/n had duplicated for him. This one contains pictures of Marigold on her 3rd birthday.

He truly wished he had been there throughout their daughter growing up. Maybe if he hadn't broken up with her, if he had known, perhaps he would've been part of it, not missing a single time, and maybe perhaps if he defied his father in those days, he would've escaped with her, travelled to a country where they could live a life without anyone hindering. But he was too weak to defy his own father and it was already far too late now, especially when he had just heard from Y/n that they had made changes to her and Michael's wedding date, which would be 5 months from now.

"Papa! Papa!" Marigold yelled, running towards her dearest papa, with her hands loosely clasped with each other. "Look, Papa! I caught a butterfly." She moved her hands near his face, despite her being small.

Draco smiled and placed the photobook beside him as he leaned down. "Really? May I see it?"

"It's in my hands, Papa!" She effused. Her eyes glistened like the stars.

This sounded familiar. The expression she gave was quite similar to someone he remembered in the very same place they were in. He remembered it was 8 years ago when it happened. They were planting the flower seeds that they had just bought from Diagon Alley and somehow Y/n had just caught a Monarch Butterfly.


"Draco!" Y/n called his name as she ran to him. "Oh, my god. Oh, my god."

Draco quickly looked at her. Panic was obvious enough in his eyes, for he thought that something must've badly happened to her based on the sound of her voice. As soon as his eyes laid on her face, a sigh of relief left his lips.

"I caught a butterfly, look!" Her eyes gleamed with excitement.

"Wait, really, love? Can I see?" He gave out a sweet smile.

She nodded and spoke, "It's in my hands." She opened her hand slightly so that the butterfly wouldn't escape and just for Draco to see. "It's really beautiful, isn't it?"

Draco's smile went wider, gazing at the beautiful orange wings of the butterfly.

"It is," He uttered then looked at her. "But you're more beautiful."

Such a beautiful memory flashed through his eyes. He couldn't deny that he missed those days when no one was setting them apart. If only he could go back in time or even borrow the time-turner from Professor Mcgonagall, he would go back in time just to fix everything.

"It's so beautiful, Papa." Marigold opened her hand and finally let the butterfly go. Draco did not expect it to be a Monarch butterfly too and also did not expect her to say something so similar to what her mother said to him before. She may be an exact copy of Draco, but there's somehow a sign of Y/n within her.

"You know who's more beautiful, Lottie?" He carried her and sat her down on his one leg.

"Who, Papa?" She curiously asked.

"You, my dearest child."

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