𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐕 || 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 & 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐮𝐧𝐭

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Three of Draco's friends arrived at the Manor unannounced and one of them heard what Marigold just said about her new doll. Blaise never thought that Marigold would do that to her own father, and from the looks of it, Blaise quite enjoyed it, especially seeing Draco's reaction.

They all sat down in the living room. Y/n sat right next to Narcissa, who had Marigold on her lap while playing with the doll. Draco sat on the armchair and Theo on the other, and Pansy and Blaise sat on the two-seated couch.

There was silence filling the atmosphere. Draco seemed to be still annoyed at Blaise while Blaise stared at him with a smirk plastered on his face. Pansy, however, gazed at Y/n, scanning her from head to toe. She admits that Y/n has indeed grown into a beautiful woman. They used to be friends when Draco and Y/n were still together, and it has been a long time since they have talked to each other. She used to be the one who would bring them back together whenever they had a heated argument that took them days to not speak to each other. She was also the one who comforted her during her (Y/n) cries, and Y/n would tell her if there was something wrong with her or ask for advice if she could talk to him even though she didn't want to. Draco has the same issue too. Draco would run too to Pansy, for he knew that she was the closest one to Y/n in the house of Slytherin.

But all those are in the past and Pansy wondered that Y/n would probably have left it behind, for she is to be married.

How did she know? Well, she could tell by the ring on her finger and the fiance would be no other than Michael Lestrange. She too knew that Michael had been in love with Y/n but was just afraid to admit it. She really is a good observer. However, she was kind of disappointed that Y/n never told her about carrying Draco's child. If she only knew back then, she would even help them find a way to be able to be together. But now, all was too late.

"I guess I should better ask Noralf to fetch some tea and biscuits," Narcissa placed Marigold onto her mother's lap, smiling at them, and left.

Y/n doesn't even know how to look them straight in the eyes. It has been years since she last saw Theo and Pansy. But Blaise? She already encountered him at the Ministry with Draco and at the park when he tried to make her confess about Marigold.

"How are you, Y/n?" Theo smiled. His eyes gleamed from the soft light of the sun.

"I am...well." She smiled too as she helped Marigold climb down from her lap and ran to her father.

"So, she's your daughter," Theo smirked. "She indeed looks so much like Draco."

"I told you she would," Blaise exclaimed.

"But she still does look like Y/n," Pansy stated.

Marigold turned her head and looked at the three. She was confused as to why they were all looking at her. She wasn't aware of their conversation and she had no intention of listening because she felt like they weren't interesting at all. She judged them by their looks, and for her, they looked like they were not the type of people that she should talk to.

"Why don't you say hello to your uncles and aunt?" Draco told his daughter, who was too busy playing with her new doll.

"No." She replied, wrapping her arms around Draco's neck and hiding her face against his shoulder with the doll still in one of her hands. "They look mean, papa." She mumbled.

"Lottie, they're not mean." He assured her. His voice was soft too, and Y/n had this feeling that she quite enjoyed watching Draco being a father to their child.

Marigold shook her head and her face still hid on her father's shoulder as she hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go.

"It's alright. I won't force you." Said Draco, gently rubbing her back.

Y/n's attention switched to Pansy, who had just sat down next to her. She didn't know why, but all she knew is that she missed her. She was the only closest female friend she had in the house of Slytherin. She did have female friends back in their days in Slytherin but not as close as how close she is with Ms Parkinson, who is now Mrs Zabini.

"You've changed." Pansy smiled. "In a good way, I mean." She chuckled, and then her eyes laid down on the engagement ring on Y/n's finger. "You're engaged, aren't you?" She whispered, a sly smile forming on her lips.

"I— How'd you know?" Her eyes widened and flickered twice, staring at Pansy's brown ones.

"Your ring." She replied in a low voice to avoid any commotion from Blaise and Theo, for these two couldn't keep their mouth shut when it was about a secret. "It's a secret, isn't it?"

Her mouth curved into a small smile and spoke, "Yes, it is. I didn't want anyone to know, except our close relatives in both on each side, until we tied a know."

"Since when did you get engaged?"

"About 2 months ago."

"So, Draco knows all about it." Said Pansy, looking at Draco. "No wonder why he rather looks cold those past few months." She mumbled, speaking in a low tone.


"Oh, it's nothing." She chuckled nervously. "I just said that no wonder Michael looks glowing these days."

"He is?" She grinned, looking at her fingers that were playing with her nails. However, her grin looked rather like she was surprised or something that she did not expect to happen. It's like there's doubt written in her words.

"Why do you seem surprised?" Pansy curiously asked.

Y/n only pursed her lips. She doesn't know how to tell her the reason why she accepted Michael's proposal. She only wanted to marry Michael for the sake of Marigold that is before Draco found out about Marigold, but now...her reason why she wanted to marry Michael is that she wanted her heart to get over the man, who broke her heart 5 years ago. She is indeed trying to learn to love Michael, but she finds it very hard.

"You only accepted for a reason, didn't you?" Pansy raised a brow.

She only looked down at her lap and Pansy took this answer as a yes. But of course, she didn't want to ask her what was the reason. She didn't want to pressure her about telling about it. However, who she took pity on now is Michael, for this young man hasn't confessed his feelings for her. A feeling that has been kept inside his chest for many years.

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